Hysterectomy after WLS because of fibroid tumors
I recently found out I have fibriod tumors and need a hysterectomy I am not upset because I didnt plan on having anymore children but I am upset because I didnt plan on any more surgeries this year (had WLS on Aug. 24th), and cant even think of the pain. Has anyone had the wls and then had to have a hysterectomy for any reason??? and how long did your surgery take. and how much pain ?? any thing like the pain of the wls??, how long was the recovery??
lol can ya tell I dont want anymore pain.
hi there sorry to hear that you may need more surgery.
i may also be looking at a hysterectomy but i already told the doc, not till next year.
i would ask the doctor how urgent it is for you to have the surgery now, perhaps it can weight until early in the new year.
the pain level will prob depend on whether he needs to do an abdominal surgery or if the surgery can be done vaginally.
and hey, they have good drugs today, so dont stress on that account.
well good luck, jacki
dam good drugs
spent thanksgiving hitting that jeopary button saying 'alex, i'll have more morphine for $200 please'
i had not one ounce of pain in the hospital with open rny
a little discomfort when i got home trying to get in and out of bed and not having the bedrails to lift myself with
now it's in and out of bed with no trouble -- in and out of the bathtub with no problem
maybe i took enough morphine to last me til christmas
good luck with your hysterectomy
hopefully it can be done vaginally -- or if you wait a bit maybe they can do the tummy tuck at the same time -- just a thought
take care

I had a hysterectomy 8 years ago and lap band surgery 4 months ago. Your pain will depend on whether or not the surgery is done abdominally or vaginally. Mine was done abdominally and the recovery was much harder and longer than lap band. The surgery took a few hours (mine was a total..) and I spent 3 days in the hospital. (used to be a week, but the insurance companies changed the rules..) My recovery was over 2 months. I did it over the summer when I was off. (I'm a teacher) If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
My sister just had a myomectomy....so they just removed the tumors not the uterus. She is overweight, and it was not an easy recovery...
Her surgery took about 3 hours. She had a lot of pain, but it was well managed in the hospital...Not as easy at home..
She had an open procedure and had some wound healing issues,,,But it has been about 7 weeks and is scheduled to return to work in the next two weeks...
I've got fibroid tumors and my gyn won't LET me have a hysterectomy because she is vehemently against them (something I wish I had known before I started seeing her, because there are times I wish they really would just take the darn thing out of me!) Instead I've been taking depoprovera injections for the last few years to control the heavy bleeding, which does work. So, if you want to put it off, I think there is a real possibility you can do so.
Good luck!!!