OCWLS Group - Holiday Party - This Friday
Just a reminder that our normally scheduled Ocean County Weight Loss Surgery (OCWLS) support group meetings this Friday, December 1 in Toms River at Community Medical Center, Aud A - 7-9pm.
Also we are going to include a Holiday Celebration with "WLS friendly food and drink" along with our meeting. If you can, please plan on bringing something with you along this vein when you attend. It is not necessary to bring enough for everyone - samples are fine as there will be enough variety to go around.
Ok let me know whose in, and if you like, let me know what you plan on bringing (not necessary).
Oh - and for those that attended my Home Interior Party - the order is in! I'll be bringing your things with me that night!
Hi Nannette,
How do I drive there from Freehold? I don't want to take rt 9 south. I could take 33 east to the parkway..
Could you give me directions from the parkway, or an address so I could map quest it?
Thank you
ps .......or if you know someone from freehold or howell going, I could meet up with them
Come in your painting clothes, we don't care! CONGRATULATIONS
on the new house too! That is wonderful news, and just in time for Christmas.
I will be there, I guess I am going to the Vitamin Shoppe for some snacks today to bring tomorrow night.
I am bringing my husband
too... I will go to his job and tear him away if I have to,
so he might be joining you in his work clothes!
Hope to see you tomorrow night
Michelle Brennan

Hello Nanette & all:
I will be there, but I will be a little bit late ... its my Mother-in-Law's 88th B'Day on December 1st, and we are taking her out for an early dinner (5 pm) in Belmar at Havens & Hampton for fish, and then I will head to the meeting in TR. I will bring a couple of things ... Isopure bottled protein drinks (juices) and some Lara Bars (Fruit and Nut Bars-all natural, no sugar added).
Looking forward to seeing everyone.