My surgery is MONDAY morning
Much like the last post I am getting nervous as well. I hate to admit it but I am not so much worried about the surgery itself I am more worried about not wakeing up from it ! I know that the surgery in itself is as safe as possible and I am confident in my doctor. I know I am getting worried about nothing and will be laughing about it later in the week. Seem that I am more of a control feak than I thought!
Well wish me luck ... I will post later on in the week when I get home.
I wish you all the best. I had my RNY on 11/13/06 and I'm feeling great. Once you get out of the hospital, just take it one day at a time. Soon you'll be on the loser's bench with the rest of us.
My thoughts will be with you on Monday, all will be fine. Take Care and thing positively!!

Good Luck Ray! I'm sure everything will be fine. I had the same feelings as you that I may not wake up but I did and the feeling was glorious when I opened my eyes for a brief time in the recovery room! If you trust your doctor and his staff, you know you will be on the loser's bench in less than 24 hours!