it's official
hi everyone!! i am now an official post op!! i had the open rny and everythng went well!! was in the hospital at 6:30 am on wedensday -- blood drawn *AGAIN* at 7am -- down to surgery at 8am -- recovery at 12:30p -- walking at 6:30p -- i must say that i had the most wonderful nurses!! every one of them was very attentive and caring and very very supportive
i also had male nurses hehehe had a wonderful room mate until they seperated us when they closed down our unit -- then they put us i n ICCU for the night -- another great team of male nurses!! and i was leaving the hospital at 2pm on friday -- ross was impressed by how well i did -- i'm sipping down my pink lemonade and taking my perks -- trying to answer emails -- but i have 3 weeks home now to catch up on life
hope everyone is doing well
i missed everyone when i was doing a ton of overtime!! now i'll watch 'who the baby daddy' for 3 weeks hehe
if you are getting ready to have surgery -- take it one day at a time -- keep it simple -- listen to your surgical team -- do what they say!! never compare yourself to another person -- everyone is different -- just cuz so and so lost 140 lbs in 3 weeks doesn't mean you are going to -- everyone's pain is different -- everyone's insurance is different -- everyones PCP is different -- for all you females out there who have children , it's like the labor and delivery stories you hear
just remember to listen to your surgical team -- get knowledge here on the boards here and at different websites -- read everything there is to read about the different types of surgeries -- don't get tunnel vision -- be open-minded -- all will be well
take care all

Hi Roberta!
Glad you are doing well so far! You knew what to expect and did your homework so the rest will be easy! I didn't know you were having open....was there a reason why? Are you in pain from your incision???? I am doing well, although my surgery was 16 days ago, my weight loss is reflected on my last pre-op appt. at the doctor's on 11/3 so in 3 weeks, I'm down almost 18 lbs! I am pleased! It's just an amazing feeling to be full after eating so little food and have no cravings or desires for stuff you once couldn't live without! Keep up the good work. I swear by homemeade chicken broth and sf icepops blended with 2 oz of water to make a slushy! Water and jello get boring very fast! How long are you on clear liquids?
hi sheri
my insurance company decided i was having open RNY when i started this journey
clear liquids for the first 2 days at home - 3oz every hour (right now it's pink lemonade)
full liquids for 14 days - 3oz every hour plus start taking vitamins and 25-30g of protein
puree diet for 3-6 weeks -
3 meals and 3 snacks per day -
week 1=4oz or 1 C
week 2=6oz
week 3=8oz
and frozen or canned fruit for fiber
18 lbs in 3 weeks sounds wonderful to me!! it means i can put my jeans back on again to go back to work hehe
ross made a lean pocket today for his lunch and the smell just got to me!!
slushy ice pops sound like an idea to me
i got a ton in the freezer that we need to get rid of!!
i'm not a plain water type of person, so it will always be flavored water -- i can only drin**** cold plain water, once it starts to get warm i can't stand it -- i'm such the fussy person
so as long as it's flavored it's ok if it gets warm
love ya

It's interesting that every doctor has a slight variation on diets...I was allowed 1 oz an hour for the first 2 days then 2 oz on day 3 and 4 oz. on day 4. Since I was doing so well, I got to skip day 4 clears and start on reg. liquids 4 oz. an hour. By day 8 I was on purees and now I am on soft foods. Will continue that till I go to the next appt. in 4 weeks. I can have 3 2oz meals, protein + fruit/veggie 3 x a day and 2 protein shakes to equal 60 oz of protein a day. No snacks per se, I can have some yogurt or pudding if I feel the need and no soups! I also can't drink much of regular water so I am having flavored water and it's good!!! I also love the Lipton Diet Green Tea Citrus. I like my water room temp!