6 Nutrition Classes
on 11/21/06 7:12 pm - Lakewod, NJ
on 11/21/06 7:12 pm - Lakewod, NJ
Ok so I had my surg consult & the told me that I had to go to 6 nutrition classes they cost$700.00 ouch I don't have that kind of dinero. any sugesstions???

My dietician cost me $500....and that includes 6 individual classes and 6 group classes......it is to your benefit to attend these.....without getting consults....you could end up seriously backfiring on your efforts. Who is your doctor?
You can submit these bills and the end of your committment...I am sure you will be reinbursed.
Best Wishes!
You should probably find another doctor because that's ridiculous. I consulted with several doctors and none required this. I paid the nutritionist 3 payments of $50 each but that is for unlimited consultations and emails and calls. that's a reasonable amount and I am going to submit it to my insurance company anyway. My nutritionist gave me an eating plan about 10 weeks prior to surgery.
I can't find another doctor.....the surgery is already done. It wasn't his doing anyway...it was required by the hospital. They want to make sure you are successful. They would not do the surgery unless you saw the dietician...it was mandatory. She really is a good dietician, and it was totally worth doing.
When my doc had his own practice.....the dietician was free. Now that he is affiliated with the hospital, its out of his hands. So I think these prices we are seeing depend on whether the doc is in private practice or not and some of it can't be helped. My surgery went without a hitch. (doc is a perfectionist-to an annoying level almost-but its to my benefit so I am not complaining...lol) I would do it all again tomorrow!
Take care,
are you talking about the surgeon from "dr. A. Goldsteins" office?
I too was shocked at the cost, with the hospital requirements.
But I thought about it, and wind up going through with it. Hoping that
I will get something back from ins. I paid 350.00 up front, and the total
for me to pay for all classes, and having the nurse on call, on email
and all support groups for life. Was 1750.00, minus, the 350.00 now.
So I put it on a credit card. I'm very impressed so far, at the classes
and the support. I want it to be a success, and I know I could not
keep on track on my own. This takes alot of education, and work.
So far I've been very happy with what I have gotten. I would shop
around, and I would check with ins. As to getting something back.
Good luck , and don't give up. Hope you are feeling well barb,
and doing great!!!
Nobetterwomen, bridge
Hi Bridge,
No, it isn't Dr G....another doc in Atlantic City. As far as shopping around, I already paid the $500. I am not worried about it at all. When I am done with the consults (I haven't even started yet because of my school schedule) I will submit to insurance, I am sure they will pay for it, they paid for everything else so far! I just won't get the recipts until I am done with all 12 visits. I want to submit one bill to them, not monthly, that is why I am doing it this way. No, I am not complaining at all, I was just merely commenting on the board because someone else was alarmed at the cost of the dietician. So I thought I'd chime in and tell them how much I paid...lol. This woman-I have seen her twice- is really good. I think Dieticians are far better than Nutritionists any day (ha ha and I am certified as a sports nutritionist myself!!!) (hmmm makes you wonder why I even needed to be banded...LOL) All this talk, I am getting psyched about getting to my required 12 visits now...school is done the 14th, so i'll be going after that!
Take care,
I did not think you were complaining. I felt you were giving good advice.
With all my reading, it seems to me that the people that do the best are the
people that follow the program that they have been offered. you have very good
post, and i've already learned so much from you. I also came across a video from
a group in A.C. they had a live video on the computer of two surgeons doing
a lapband surgery and talking through it. I found it so interesting. Now i'm wondering
if they were your surgeons???
Hope you had a nice thanksgiving.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. I need to get on the losing side before surgery,
if you have any advice for that, i'm all ears. I need to lose 10 to 15 lbs fast.
Talk soon
Hi Bridge,
Oh good, its hard to write with emotion, I didn't want anyone taking things the wrong way. :D
The surgery you saw online was Dr Patel.....he is affiliated with Atlantic City Medical Center...he is supposed to be a very good surgeon. I go to Dr. Onopchenko. I had my surgery in Atlantic City Medical Center.
10-15 lbs fast??? Hmmm ....why? Did a doc tell you to do that?? The only thing I can suggest is a liquid diet....omg I had to do it the day before my surgery.....if I had to do that for any length of time, I wouldn't have had to been banded. LOL.
I lost 6 lbs doing the clear liquid diet. As a matter of fact, I decided to make that a life time diet aid....I am gonna do liquid one day a week. Wednesdays sound good don't they??? I tried to do it the other day but my husband insisted on taking me to lunch....ugh...he never does that! I had lobster bisque....that was it. Filled me right up...but it wasn't as clear liquid as I would have liked...roflmao!
Thanksgiving was nice....went to my sisters house...then home....she lives close which is great because I still have a ton of homework to do.
Which I am going to get to right now...lol
Take care,