Any one near monmouth county?
Hello Jerelyn~
I am Michelle and I live in Ocean County, right next door to you! I grew up in Wall, lived in Manasquan when we were first married and now we are in Brick with 3 kids in High School here. Whew.... live moves fast!
Anyway, I am here if you need a friend. Maybe you could come to our next support group meeting in Toms River @ Community Medical Center. It's Friday, November 3 from 7-9pm. We can meet and I can drive you if you feel more comfortable going in with someone? We could meet at Target in Brick and I can drive from there, or you could follow me. Just let me know.
Hope to hear from you, it sounds like you need a friend
Michelle Brennan

I guess I was living in the past! I am thinking it's October? Oh well, thanks for bringing me back into the present! I guess the past might have been easier? Something to that I am sure.
Thanks for missing me, but I was feeling lousy. I went to Dr. Trivedi's today and he says I am ok. It was a mix of constipation, gas and maybe too much acid in my diet. I think he was saying it was gas pains, but man were they killer gas pains! I need to eat less tomatoes (especially winter tomatoes he said), drink more water (I already knew that...) and take fiber EVERY DAY.... he thinks my colon might be backed up (which creates gas bubbles) and my intestines have pressure on them, and boy did it hurt. I am better now. I need to get back on the program with the fiber!
I will see you all next Friday, promise!
Anything I can do to help with the Holiday Party? Are we doing a grab bag or anything? I'd love to help out anyway I can, please let me know.
Michelle Brennan