Recovery times??
Hi Steve,
Although I am not in a physical type of job I was back at work in 2 weeks and I had the Gastric Bypass,, I felt well enough to go back after 1 week, but gave myself the extra week to rest up. True everyone is different..for your type of work you may want to take 3-4 weeks before returning. Good Luck to you! Email me anytime!
[email protected]

I was in Disney World 10 days after my surgery, and felt like I could tackle anything. BUT...
You won't be able to lift anything for at least a month following your surgery. I have a 1 year old daughter, who was about 20 pounds at the time of my surgery. I asked at my one month check up about picking her up, and he said 20 pounds would be his absolute limit at that point. Up until then, it had only been 5 pounds.
Can they assign you to a desk detail or something while you recuperate?
Hello Steve, I agree with Michelle, I had my surgery on August 24th and my doctor was very firm with no lifting more then 5 lbs for up to 6 weeks , remember, you like everyone will have deep sutures as well. No one should push them self to end up getting hurt and having to have surgery all over again. this rule of no more then 5lbs for a couple weeks (me 6) will only help you in your healing process.
good luck with your journey.
Kelli (Sayreville, Your one town over neighbor)
Hi Steve,
I agree with all the others 6 weeks at minimum because of the stregnuous (spelling may be off) type of work you do.. but I want you to understand why.... the Stomach muscle is invaded during this surgery and needs to heal and heal properly.. also because there is a hernia chance also.. We all heal at different rates and if you are fairly healthy which I would assume you are your healling will be fairly quick but I still would advise discussing your occupation with the doctor and checking with your potential disability team or human resources to find out how your workers comp will work in this instance.
I was good in about 2-3 weeks but took 6 weeks at the dr's urging to full recouperate.
Good Luck with everything,