Reminder - OCWLS Lakewood Meeting
Just a reminder that Monday, November 20th is the next OCWLS Support Group in our Lakewood location - 7-9pm at Kimball Medical Center for Healthy Living, 198 Prospect Street - entrance from the parking lot.
It is also the night before my 50th birthday! Ewwww -- who would have thought I would get so old, but now looking and feeling younger than I have in years! I had to throw that one in. LOL
Ok - whose going to join me at this meeting?

Hey Nanette:
Happy Birthday!!!
I will be at the meeting and be happy to help you celebrate!
Its not a bad thing to get a year older especially as a healthy strong "skinny *****" its good to feel so much younger and better than you have for many years with lots to look forward to!
See you there,
Hello Friends~
I won't be at tonights meeting in Lakewood, I haven't been feeling well for the past 2 days. My stomach has been hurting and I haven't been able to eat or drink without pain.
It's 11 weeks since surgery, and this is the first time I haven't felt good. The pain is below my breasts, mostly on the left side, and it alternates between feeling extremely black and blue and then stabbing pains. It happens after I eat or drink anything and lasts for a few hours. I am scared. I don't want to end up back in the hospital, but I guess I will do whatever it takes at this point, I am weak and tired and sick of hurting. I am not throwing up, which Dr. Schmidt said was good thing on the phone this morning.
I will be going to see Dr. Trivedi at 11:15am tomorrow. Wish me luck and say a prayer if you think about me. Thanks friends!
Michelle Brennan
Thanks for your prayers Cissy, I am feeling much better this morning already. Maybe it was just a 48 hour adjustment of some kind inside? I am still going to see Dr. Trivedi this morning though, I can't ignore what was there.... and may come back once I try to eat again.
Thanks for your prayers, they worked very quickly!
Michelle Brennan