Survived Surgery Now I Have Body Aches!
I survived RNY yesterday and was feeling relatively good but today I started to have really horrible body aches....I think my body must have been manipulated on the operating table! I can barely move and it's so painful! Plus, the incisions are hurting! I hope it's just a temporary thing! I had 11 oz of clear liquids, 1 oz every hour! I'm taking oxycodone every 4-6 hours for the pain.
I am so sorry to hear you are in such pain. I was lucky and did not have much pain but I did have some pain in the incision sites and was told that was normal. It was very mild though. As far as menipulated it does happen. My hubby had horrible bruiding all over his tummy from it and he was very sore all over. Almost like he hurt everywhere becuase of it. Keep drinking and walking. I know it hurts but it helps. Some of your pain might also be from gas and the walking does help a lot with that. I was off pain meds so I went outside to walk but if you feel unsteady you can just walk around inside. Sometimes I know that even just standing up and sittin gdown again jhelped the pain. I don't know if any of this helps but I hope so. I hope you have a speedy recovery and welcome to the losers bench!
I very much so know what you mean. I had a very hard time with water until several days out. I could not drink anywhere near what they were asking. Keep at it and trust me it does get better. Another thought on the aches and pains. I know with me they gave me a flu shot upon discharge. Did they give you one at the hospital? My one arm hurt horribly and then my whole body ached. I think for me that was a reaction to the shot. I just feel so bad for you I am trying to think of something that will help. I know the pain meds help but beware as they can also be constipating. I so wish that there was more that I could do for you. I can day that it does get better every day. I know in the beginning I had a horrible time with the drinking part. I was so not even hungry let alone drinking but little by little every day it has gotten better and I know you will too. Keep your chin up. You will be in my prayers!

Thanks again for trying to offer suggestions about my body aches...I think it has something to do with the gas/air they pump into your body. I slept well but I could not move without pain. It was an effort to take my pain meds in the middle of the night. I couldn't lift my head or legs, it felt like there were weights attached. My husband had to help me get my leg back into the bed and then help me out of bed. I think I have to keep moving. Maybe the doctor will email me back.
Glad you came through the surgery fine!!...welcome to the losers side...
Right after I got home from surgery I had the worse pain in my left hurt just sitting still and worse to breath or move...the best thing the surgeon could offer is they had it in a bad postion on the table and it would work itself out....well it worked out of my shoulder and now is in my upper arm...not as severe of a pain but really is getting better with time.
Best of luck to you!
Dear sheri,
first I want to ask if I could put you on my friend list?
I've just read what you wrote about your pain. It might seem
that you have more pain since being home. Please remember you
did less in the hosp. Everything was done for you. When we come
into our own house we start doing the "mommy thing" without
even knowing it. Like you see the counter needs to be wiped. You
go and get the rag and clean it. That is one reason, the next reason
you are feeling pain, and the reason they give you the pain med's.
Is, that everyday you will feel a little more pain, because it takes 3 to 4
days for the anest. To wear off. That is keeping you from feeling the
pain and you don't think of that. Now if you have discomfort.
Get into the bed have some jello or something. Always take a percaset
sp??? With something in your tummy. And lay down stay in p'j'' just to
remind yourself, you need to heal, and things are not back to normal
yet. Please take your med;s and work with them by laying down
and still, yes when you get up to use the bath room walk around
a bit. No bending. But move slow. That little bit of walking
alot of sleeping, alot of water. And you will start to feel better
each day. But it cannot be rushed, remember you are healing inside
and out. So be good to yourself, go very slow.
Best of luck to you. Let us know if it get better through the