Just got my insurance approval
hello all. I am quite excited. I just got home from a family vacation in Disney World and found my approval letter in the mail. I am all set for surgery on November 27th. I have some pre-op testing on Monday and a few appointments in the next week. I guess this is where the nerves start kicking in Huh !!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Raymond -- If you are looking for a local WLS support group for more information, there are several nearby. I hope to organize the Ocean County WLS group which holds two meetings per month -- one in Toms River on the first Friday of each month (Community Medical Center, Aud A - 7-9pm), and the second in Lakewood on the third Monday of each month (Kimball Medical's Center for Healthy Living, 198 Prospect St 7-9pm). Hope you can join us at one of them. Let me know if you need more info.
Please try and come to our next Ocean County Weight loss support group, the one Nannette mentioned above. It's a great resource! I had bypass surgery 10 weeks ago and I am doing great, and I credit the GROUP with a lot of my success, it's really an important part of your journey...... there are so many good resources here.
Michelle Brennan