Nutritionist Appointment
Hello All my friends
Ok, next week I go and see the nutritionist. I know that i should make sure she knows about bariatric surgery and food, but she sounded like she did when she asked when my surgery was, who the doc is and where i am going and insurance information. She actually knows my surgeon!!
What questions should I ask her? Any suggestions would be grateful

Hi Charlene,
I am by far, not an expert, in the WLS field, but from the research I've done, and from what the program I am involved in, most surgeons have a nutritionist on board that deals with their patients and usually have an eating program set up. Are you seeing this nutritionist on your own?
I had very few questions for my NUT pre-op, because they were so informative and left no stone unturned. I learned almost everything I needed to know from them, and everything else, I learned on!!
hi charlene
i have the same system in place as michelle -- we got a booklet that it like our bible!! tells you everything you can have and not have from day 1 -- what foods to avoid and how much you should eat and blah blah blah --
ask about foods you like, and don't be shy
ask about breads, jellies, nuts, dairy, no sugar added vs. sugar free,
how many cals you should be getting per day
how many sugars you are allowed per serving
how much protein you should have
natural sugars vs. added sugar
fruits and veggies, what kinds -- canned, frozen, fresh
what meats to start out with and what meats to graduate to
what does 3oz of meat look like -- in realistic terms
how much is 1oz, 2 oz and 3 oz -- put it into realistic terms
other liquids
lactose intolerance and what to substitute in case you are
do you have other medical conditions that require a special diet? compare those dietary needs to the dietary needs of WLS
is your head spinning yet?????
real potatoes vs. instant potatoes
butter & margerines
eggs or egg beaters
every NUT is different -- you should go by your surgeon and nuts reccomdendations
good luck
and if ya have anymore questions just shout out to us
take care