Camden County / South Jersey
Do you belong to a gym? I joined Royal Fitness in Barrington right before surgery, and am having such a hard time being motivated to go!
They have machines, a 30 minute fitness room, a pool, and a ton of classes. They also have babysitting available.
Let me know what you're looking for - I'd love to have someone to hang out with - even a daily walk around Cooper River - SOMETHING!!
The gym is about $40 a month. I started prior to my surgery, at 295 pounds. When you join, they have you meet with a trainer, which is included in your fee, and they work up a program for you based on what you can do now. Then, after 8 weeks, you get a second meeting to adjust your workout based on your abilities.
You don't ever have to meet with the trainer though - you can just go, use the equipment, etc. When I started, I only went to the 30 minute workout room. I was usually the only one there, and didn't feel self conscious.
I have to drop my daughter off at school in Pennsauken every day. There is a track there right across from the school, and Cooper River is there. Anytime you want to go walking, just let me know. I can do it in the morning - like around 8:15/8:30 and I can go any time during the day. I pick one kid up at 2:45, the other at 3, so I can walk after that too.
You would be surprised at how many big people I've seen at the gym. My daughter has a hip injury due to dancing and she has taken some of the aquarobics classes - most of the people in that class are plus sized women. She also has a couple of plus sized women in the belly dancing class. I guess it's true what they say - if life gives you a belly, go dancing

I was not able to afford the $40 monthly gym fee so I worked out another plan, I joined Bally's for $19/mo which entitles me to a three day a week workout, on the other days I go to several different Supermarkets and Shopping Centers, grab a cart and go up and down all the aisles reading labels on interesting things. I don't buy anything unless I'm out of something at home. In the begining I was going to the same store all the time, but the cashiers started making comments,
wasn't she here yesterday and didn't buy anything? Another one says: shes been here everyday this week. So rather than face a body cavity search in the security guard room, I started going to a different store everytime. I'm almost 8 mos. out and am down 120#.

Hey Ladies,
Sorry for the late post. I am actually considering joining The Spa in Pennsauken. It is 20 down and 20 per month. Hopefully this can help get me back on track. However, I would love to start walking around Cooper River Park. Would any of you all be interested in doing something like 3 mornings a week?