One of those days...
So, I went thru the basic routine testing and my 6+ months of doctor visits just to get an appointment to speak with the surgeon. I mailed my doctors notes and test results over to his office 3 weeks ago but havent heard anything.
I call his office today and the woman tells me that my doctors notes are insufficient and I need to continue to go to my doctor for another 6 months so my diet and exercise regiment can be properly documented before the surgeon will meet with me.
I'm completely upset and discouraged!
For the past year all I've been doing is fantasizing about the day I finally have this surgery and lose all this extra me...
Now, I've been set back another 6 months to do the same things over again! This sucks!

I had to do the 6 month doctor supervised diet as well. I thought it was a joke. I just got weighed and blood pressure taken he would ask me a couple of questions about diet and exercise and that's it. I would find out exactly what is missing from the doctors notes and if it could be added now by the doctor and if that doesn't work I would find a new surgeon that the notes are acceptable for. Keep your head up, your dream will come true.
i also had to do the 6 month diet -- i have aetna -- like the previous post it consisted of weight, bp, diet talk, blah blah blah talk -- don't be discouraged!! did you do the diet due to the surgeon or due to your insurance?? and like the previous poster, find out what is missing out of your files -- it could be something simple
good luck