Random Musings #12 ? Nine Months Edition
A pleasant All Hallow's Eve to y'all.
Today just happens to be my Nine Month "Surgiversary" (Hmmm.... I'm not really sure if I like that word or not. I can't put my finger on it, but something about it rubs me the wrong way... Oh well.) and I'm in a bit of a reflective mood. So, I figure that this is a good a day as any for another round of "let's insist on making everyone pay attention to A.J." Oh wait..... Uh...... I Mean, another round of my "Random Musings". (Yeah, that's it.)
? Recently, I've upped my calorie intake to around 1700 cal each day. And, as a result, I've dropped 9 pounds in the last 2 weeks. As of this morning I am 233 lbs, for a total loss so far of 184 (D'oh!). At 6'1", that puts me 6 pounds away from a BMI under 30... Officially making me "overweight". It'll be the first time in about 15 years that I haven't been classified as "obese", "morbidly obese", or "super morbidly obese". Geez... the thought of being called "overweight" never sounded so good.
? This past Sunday was the New Jersey 5K Run for Breast Cancer. It was cold, the wind was unreal, part of the course brought us through a very muddy field, and about one third of it was uphill. Brutal.
Here's a picture of Vivian wishing her Daddy "Good Luck":
I finished in just a hair over 35 minutes. In better conditions, I could have shaved a minute or two off. But hey, this time last year I could barely walk a mile.
My brother ran as well. He's 5 years younger than me and was always a great, natural athlete. You know... Captain of our high school basketball team, all-star baseball player... that kind of thing. I finished more than 5 minutes ahead of him.
? So... here's my new before and after pic:
The "before" shot was a few weeks before surgery. The "after" was Sunday following the 5K.
? The family and I spent a long weekend in the Shenandoah Valley a few weeks ago. We spent one afternoon at an indoor water park. I hit a few of the big water slides 5 or 6 times (climbing 7 flights of stairs each time!) and then decided to try a little body board in the high-powered surfing/wave pool. While waiting my turn, I asked the pretty, young, blonde lifeguard if the water jets had enough power to move someone my size. She gave me a weird look and in a thick, southern accent said, "What do you mean? It won't work for heavy folks... but, you're not big at all."
Security asked me to leave after I tried to make out with her.
? Now that I'm training for a triathlon, I've been spending some quality time swimming laps and bike riding. The swimming is a nice change of pace, but, I'm really getting into the cycling thing. I just shelled out a good amount of dough for a brand new 2007 Trek FX 7.5 Hybrid Fitness bike. Man, is it nice. I keep it locked in the back of my truck so I can take it everywhere I go. I even spend about half of my lunch hour riding around the neighborhoods near my office. Cool... Fitness AND Fun.
Well... That's what's up in these here parts.
Thanks for spending a moment or two with me.
You guys rock.
Be Well,

hey!! i'll go sit in a boston bar too!!!!! and if ya do the marathon in boston it will be on Patriots Day which is April 16th and the sox will be playing the Los Angeles Angels or whatever they call themselves these days
and that is always an 11am game -- then we got time to see the end of the marathon -- and we can umm yell YANKEES SUCK all over the place -- and we can ummmmm -- maybe sitting in a boston bar isn't a good idea for me anymore
and i always love your musings AJ
and your pics look awesome!! Viv is a little cutie
is that an under armor shirt you have on?? do you like them?? we just got one for ross up in Cabela's in PA -- not sure how to wa**** tho -- it says no softener -- and he hates that idea
oh ya, his shirt is an XL -- last winter it would have been a 5X
take care

Yo Roberta!
What's the haps?
It looks like you've got less than 3 weeks to go... Niiiiice.
I don't think I'll be in the Marathon any time soon... But I'll join ya at the Cask n' Flagon on Patriots' Day!
And, why yes, that is an Under Armour shirt in my pic. I am the KING of compression clothing. I own a whole bunch of long inseam shorts and a array of sorted Long and Short Sleeved tops in various colors. Both UnderArmour & Nike. I wear 'em when I sleep, when I work out, and I wear the shorts instead of regular underwear under my everyday pants. It really seems to be helping with loose skin issues. I HIGHLY reccommend them to all. And, I wash 'em like any other garment... and tumble dry low.
If we don't talk by then, good luck on the 22nd
Be Well,