I went to the mall tonight to pick up a pair of jeans. I am wearing 22's, but can almost step out of them without unbuttoning them. I figured I would go down to a size 18 stretchy, and that way, even if they were a little snug now, I would still have them to wear for a little while.
You cannot imagine my surprise when I pulled up the 18's and they buttoned and zipped without any problems! I asked my hubby to go get a size 16, just so I could try. I figured even if I have to lay on the bed to button them, it's going to be better than having the 18's fall off in a couple of weeks.
THEY FIT!! And I didn't have to lay on the dressing room floor to button them
This surgery has been such a miracle for me. I love that I can play with my kids, walk without losing my breath, carry groceries without my knees and back aching.
When I think that just 3 months ago, I was unable to even pull up my 24's all the way, this feels like climbing Mt. Everest. Another milestone reached