Just out- Surgery Tuesday October 24th
I just had surgery on Tuesday October 24th. Suppossed to have taken off my bandages today- and as I started to I got a little bit queasy- and had to lay down for a bit- HENCE the reason I am not a doctor.
How should I feel? I am not eating much- I am not hungry- I feel very full quickly- and I just want to make sure I am okay. I have the pain in my left side- almost like a cramp from running a mile or so.... and then there is pain in my left shoulder blade
I am so used to being hungry and now I feel so FULL. I guess thats what is suppossed to happen- just want to be sure.
I have not had my suregery yet so I am not sure how you should be feeling but I can tell you the pain under your shoulder blade is gas :) try and keep moving around to break up the excess gas that they used in your stomach that is causing you pain. I know this because I had gallbladder surgery and the same thing happend to me, a friend of mine had her tubes tied and had the same pain under her shoulders.
My support group nutritionist told me even if you think you are being a pain if you have concern, call your surgeon, that is what they are their for.
Feel better!
Let me start by saying I AM NOT A DOCTOR EITHER..... BUT, I did have gastric bypass surgery just 2 months ago. I didn't have lap band, so I think you should find your way to the lap band forum for help with specific questions.
I can answer the shoulder pain question, for ME it was just gas pain, and it lasted for about 2 weeks. I went to the chiropractor and she did help with the pain, mine was mostly in my neck, with some in my shoulders. The pain in my left side, it's still there sometimes, not all the time, it seems to get better with time. That's where the camera was for me, and that's my largest incision.
And as far as the not being hungry feeling-I AM LOVING IT!!
I am enjoying every day of it, because from what I am told, the hunger does come back! Just make sure to get your liquids in and your protein, they are hard for me, but I strive to make my requirements every day! It's hard though..... I keep trying.
Best of wishes in healing, and take your time getting those bandages off, just try to soak them when you are in the shower.... and get them a bit soapy, they come off easier
Michelle Brennan

I had lap band surgery on 7/17/06. Try and get up and walk around. You probably have gas and the best way to get rid of it is to walk it off. You don't feel hungry, your stomach is swollen but, you have to drink whether you feel like it or not. Keep sipping because it is very easy to get dehydrated. Sometimes we can take care of others and change their bandaids but it is tough to do your own. Queasy is a pretty normal reaction to seeing cuts on yourself. Take your showers, the bandaids will fall off.
I'm sure once you move around you'll feel better.
Hi Heather,
I was banded on 9/27. What you are feeling is totally normal. But be careful that you don't get dehyrated (i did) force the fluids....don't worry about the food just yet. And take your vitamins!!!!
The pain you are experiencing is GAS. Its normal. They pump us with 3 different types of gas...and sadly, it isn't the kind you can pass yourself. Walk as much as possible to help the gas dissapate.
Bandages? I had glue...still have some on as a matter of fact...lol.
You will feel hungry again. As soon as you lose some weight, the fat around the stomach itself melts and then the restriction is gone until you go for a fill. (i go for my first one this Friday)
Oh and big huge hint: If your dietician advised you to eat Cream of Wheat---be very careful!!! One day i didn'****er it down as much as I usually had, and bam, it got stuck!!! I had to drink ho****er (real hot-like tea water) to dissolve it. My doc hates cream of wheat but the dietician was the one who said it eat it. Cream of Wheat is very dense and has a tendency to expand....ugh! I switched to Gerber Rice Cereal with Bananas....not bad tasting, and not nearly as dense..yay!
However, if you do consume something that gets stuck, don't panic....first take a sip of water, if it goes down, your okay. Then drink hot decaf tea or water, to dissolve what is stuck.
I am already on regular food. How long are you gonna be on mushies????
Let me know how you are doing!!!
Take care!
Hi Michelle from the pre-op class that I've attended they stated that a pain will occur on the side where you big stitches are the big hole where the scope went through and then you will feel pain in your left shoulder from the gas. You body was filled with carbon monoxide and that has to leave your body naturally. The doctor suggested that you use a heating pad to put on your shoulder. Regarding your pain I was that you should take your tylenol extra strength but no motrin or aspirin. My date is November 20th, I guess I could tell you more after my surgery is done. Remember to walk alot.