Lakewood Meeting: Monday October 16th :UpDaTe
Hey Gang
We ARE meeting on Monday, October 16th, at the Center for Healthy Living (hopefully),
I say hopefully only because its been pure murder tracking the gal that does the scheduling. There is a *slight* chance that we may be directed indoors, but if so it will only be for the October meeting (on Monday). I know that we will most likely be in the Center for Healthy living building, I will get an answer by tomorrow (friday) evening and post back here : )))
I have spoken to the gal at Kimball/Center For Healthy Living recently, and I know that the building is available for our use on an ongoing basis, on Monday (third monday monthly) its just confirming and scheduling it for certain that awaits. (trust me I am on it like a fly on.. well yeah anyway : PPP
I get done with my bus route in the morning (friday am) about 830am so I will go camp on their doorstep until they come in... and reply **here** tomorrow evening.,
Sorry to all about the confusion, but yes we * ARE * meeting on Monday in Lakewood.
Chao : P
Timmy Ray S.
Don't worry about Bob not wanting to go with you, plan a girls cruise! I have one very good friend, she is a breast cancer survivor and knows what's important in life, we go away 1 week every year, just her and I. We leave the husbands and kids at home, and we go and have a vacation. It's wonderful. You can do a last minute cruise for a few hundred dollars if you find a last minute deal, leave from NYC, go away 3-4 days and come back renewed and refreshed! It's wonderful
Any cruise, any time, any place it goes, it's WONDERFUL
Michelle Brennan
Hey Michelle
Help !
I am in a bind, I have to take a load of kids to Trenton tomorrow, sunday morning, for a cheerleading competition. Sounds simple? Well...
My boss said something about "drum point road school", and talked about it being "off old freehold road, past where the Parkway crosses over New Hampshire/Old Freehold road.
Im confuszled. By mapquest and yahoo... I get a return that "drum point road school is an elementary school? at 41 Drum Point road? But it doesnt seem to be "off old freehold Rd"
Any chance can you shed some light on my problem? Like an email or call me? I am in a pickle, I need to pick these kids up , at the correct school... but does an elementary school have cheerleaders? Would they likely be in a competition at **sovereign arena in trenton? sheesh.
732-942-1735,,,, I dont know anyone else in the brick area .
Either way.., hope to see you at the meeting Monday night!!
Take care
Timmy Ray... 929 pm Sat night
Hey Timmy Ray~
Drum Point Rd. School is in Brick, it's right off of Rt. 70, behind Drum Point Plaza and Carvel. I don't know of anything that sounds like that in Trenton. I doubt Drum Point Rd. elementary school would be holding a cheer leading competition, it's a very small school, with not much of a gym.
My daughter does competition cheer and they are usually at high schools or convention centers. She does not compete tomorrow, so I don't know what to suggest with this one? Sorry.... I am thinking.......
IF you are just picking them up at Drum Point Road School, that is possible that the parents are dropping them off there, that is what it sounds like. I don't know where you are coming from, but it is off Rt. 70, at the intersection of Rt. 70 and Drum Point Rd. You turn onto Drum Point Rd, go less than 1/2 mile and the school is on your right.
Good luck with all those "peppy" girls all day
Michelle Brennan
Thanks Michelle !
I knew you would come through in the clutch : )
Yeah, its a competition at Sovereign Arena, in Trenton, and while the address on my **trip sheet ** says..pick up at 8am at the *foot ball field around the back of the school, Drum Point Road School, Drum point Rd, Brick, ... it just sounded odd that the internet listed drum point road as an elementary school? Yeah, maybe the parents are dropping them off there.. I will go really early and figure it out.
Our cruise was phenominal (*mispell : P ) and I will try and bring some pics if I can, and hope you can make it monday to the meeting? Anyhow.. thanks for the help, now I can crash without worrying : P
Talk to you soon
Timmy Ray