Bloodwork came back
Hi All:
Not sure i understand what my bloodwork said. My PCP told me my hemoglobin is low. Its at an 8 where it should be a 12.. Does this effect your surgery? Well the good part about it is that my Upper GI is now on 10/16 instead of 11/13.. Not sure where I am bleeding so I have to go in there....Anyone have this hemoglobin thing before.
hi charlene
low hemoglobin = anemia
i have hemoglobin problems due to medication i was on for 7 months -- my lowest was
8.1 on 9/1/06
9.8 on 5/30/06
9.4 on 4/28/06
10.9 on 3/23/06
the reference range for hemoglobin is 11.7 - 15.5
this is considered "elective" surgery and most surgeons won't do it without a hemoglobin of at least a 10 -- due to the surgery your hemoglobin will go down 2 grams -- 10 will go down to 8
low hemoglobin will make you very very tired -- the oxygen is not getting to all your muscles
there is an injectable medication called Procrit that will raise your hemoglobin -- basically used in Chemotherapy type of treatments for people with cancer, hepatitis C, AIDS -- but after i researched this medication it can take from 2-6 weeks to see results -- as of 9/18/06 my hemoglobin is 9.8 -- so my PCP wouldn't put me on Procrit -- since it is going up on its own -- but i changed my surgery date from 10/6 to 11/22
why do you think you are bleeding from somewhere?? did anyone say that to you?? just curious
HEMOGLOBIN: The component of red blood cells that carries oxygen
good luck
if ya need anything else -- just ask
Roberta: I emailed but had a couple more questions
What did you change that brought yours up? I am very tired all the time. I don't understand how this happened.. Was it something I did? Not sure what to do here. My PCP had me do the blood work with iron, b12, folate, iron and someother stuff and has me doing the fun stool thing for 3 days
what should I do now.. any help would be appreciated.. Thanks