Cream of wheat stuck???
I am wondering if pain near your breastplate means my cream of wheat is stuck? Usually I really thin it out and today I wasn't paying attention at school...I watered it down with skim milk....but not as much as I usually do. Started feeling sick at school, had to leave class to get air...thought I was fainting.. Had some ho****er at my sisters...thinking...I am gonna melt this sucker. so I am okay but not 100% and exhausted....but.......when I lay on my back ...the pain is really intense (like indigestion)...any advise?????
Hi, Barbara. It could be a combination of things. The way you ate, the amount that passed through the stoma before the pouch could absorb and empty and the fact that grains can swell in the stoma and pouch. You can either have some hot tea, herbal, decaf apple cinammon or camomile are my favorites, that acts like a "liquid plumber" to get the stuff to dissolve that is stuck OR ADOLPH'S MEAT TENDERIZER (1 tsp) mixed with a little lemon juice and 2 oz of warm water.... THAT IS ROTOR ROUTER, GIRLFRIEND, 4 sure... giggle giggle. See ya, ShelleyAnne
Hi thanks for your response...I had already done the tea thing before you responded. Eww meat thanks I talked to the doc today during my 1 week post op and he told me he hates cream of wheat...that info was from the dietician...too many I ditched loss here. I am on pureed food, so now I have a whole new world of food to play with. The doc laughted and told me that I now have proof that I have a band and I did exactly the right thing to do to get rid of the cereal..yay. I was afraid of damage, I have been letter perfect until then..turns out everything is great..down 15 lbs in one week (I was banded)!
Thanks again,
Hi Shelley Anne!
Can you tell me....
Have you personally tried this?
I had My Surgery 6 weeks ago,
And the past 2 Weeks have been AWFUL!
I feel like something is STUCK!!!!
Possibly My Pills?
I am not able to Keep ANY Solids down,
And I am even having a tough time with Pureed Now.
Seems the ONLY Thing I am tolerating is HOT Liquids.
I was thinking of Giving this a try!
But I want to know for SURE that it works,
Where did you find such a Remedy?
Thanks for your time and help!

My dietician told me only to use the stove top cream of wheat, not the instant, because they add sugar and it's coarser.. making it harder to digest. I don't know if it's different rules for lap band -vs- RNY when it comes to the Cream of Wheat, just thought I'd give you my information
Hope to see you tonight at Toms River. Do you need a ride?
Michelle Brennan

Hi Michelle,
Hmmm maybe I'll try the stovetop one. Thanks for the tip. Tonight, I hope to go to th meeting I forgot my daughter has a girl scout meeting and I volunteered to help...trying to hint around to hubby that i really really want to come to the WLS meeting. So maybe he'll help the girl involves carpentry work anyway and that what he is by
Yesterday I drove the car for the first I'll be good for driving..thanks for asking !
Hopefully I will see you tonight!