Can we EVER have Diet Pepsi again?
Hello Friends~
I know I should be shot for asking that question. I know we are not supposed to drink carbobated soda, but don't people drink beer after surgery, and isn't that carbonated too? I am missing Diet Pepsi so much, it's unbelievable to me! It's what I miss most since my surgery. I hate that I feel this way, I know it's bad for me, but I feel like an alcoholic, addicted to soda. grrrrrr........
Can someone give me an idea of what I might be able to drink that may fool my brain into thinking it's Diet Pepsi? I even have a call into Dr. Trivedi's dietician, asking her if I can ever have one again, and if there is a better alternative?
It's getting worse every day now. I didn't have any soda the week before surgery, so it's been almost 6 weeks since I have had a Diet Pepsi, but the craving for one is getting worse with each day. What can I do? Please pray for me!
Michelle Brennan

oh michelle, i know how u feel, i miss my soda too, it was worse in the early weeks though.
i have to tell you i read a bunch of posts on the main messageboard, and loads of ppl said they are drinking soda again, and they are OK with it.
so im not sure what the answer is, but i think at some point, im going to give it a try.
i didnt drink a lot of diet soda, maybe one can a day.
i dont have a nut, so let me know what yours says .
hugzzzzzzzz, jacki
Hi Michelle!
I witnessed a friend of mine who had GB drinking Diet Pepsi. No problems! No burning..nothing. I was glad because that is the only thing I think I would miss...don't want it right now, but when I am completely
She also told me she can do a whole 6 pack of beer....omg and she is a stick now...she lost like 150-ish lbs!
So no, no condolences to us who are Diet Pepsi worshippers! Yay!
See you later!
i am also a diet pepsi junkie
but with all the flavors of SF powder drink mixes i actually don't miss the soda
and ross who would drink a 2 liter of dr. pepper (an hour) before i started yelling about it hasn't missed it much either
and we buy the indiviual sticks of flavoring -- that way we aren't 'stuck' drinking a whole half gallon of something before we can make more -- we just refill the empty water bottles and add a new flavor -- works for us -- so far!!
good luck
ross hasn't tried soda yet -- but he has tried other things that i shouldn't know of haha

Hi Michelle:
I confess - I am a Diet Mt. Dew junkie!! I can not give it up! I had surgery in January. I was able to stay "diet soda free" for about 4 months. Diet pepsi and diet Mt. Dew slowly crept back into my life. I now drink a 20oz bottle of diet Mt. Dew every morning (takes me about 1 hour to drink it). I do not have any problems tolerating diet soda. I spoke to my Nut about it, and she does not have a problem with me drinking diet soda, as long as it does not bother me, and as long as I get all my water in.
I find Diet Pepsi to be a little fizzy, so I often shake it up a little bit, and let some of the fizz out. Why don't you speak to your surgeon / Nut to see what they think about you having some diet soda? Maybe a little sip with help with that craving.
Good luck!!
I am only 5 weeks out from surgery, thanks for your response.
We discussed this at length at our support group the other night at Toms River and I have decided not to go there at this point. I don't want to "test the waters", anything that might stretch my pouch is not my friend. I KNOW in my head it's the WRONG thing to drink any soda at this point, but it feels like an addiction, and I have to treat it like that. All my life I have been addicted to food, and I have given in to it over and over and over again, and I am beating this addiction now. I have to be strong against the soda, I can do it!
My husband has made me a deal, since I told him I was thinking about drinking Diet Pepsi last week. (he has always HATED me drinking soda for some reason?) He enjoys a beer now and then, and I really don't like alcohol at all... especially if the kids are around.... it's just how I have always felt..... long story. BUT.. he told me if I don't drink soda again, he is done with the beer. DEAL! We seem to have come to an agreement
All is well that ends well...
Michelle Brennan

Good for you, Michelle!! Like I said, I was able to stay away from the diet soda for about 4 months. Then it was a sip here or there, then a soda once a week, now I am drinking it every day!! Stay away from it!!
Maybe you can set up some sort of a reward for not giving in to soda. Maybe you can get a jar, and put a quarter in it every day you do not have a soda. Then at the end of the year, ca**** in, and buy something nice for yourself!! Maybe you can have Hubby do the same for every day without beer? Money and presents have always motivated me