Canceled Surgery Oct 2
I just canceled my surgery for this coming Monday. The surgeon doubts my phyc's ability to give me a full eval. I was called into his office yesterday and given a spanish inquisition. It was very degrading, humiliating. I won't be going back there. Now I start my journey all over again. I scheduled this date 2 months ago. It was 2 weeks ago they told me about their problem with my pshyc report. I could just cry over the aggravation caused by them.
Bye, bye everyone....
I am so sorry for your bad experience!! I can't believe that your surgeon's office had a problem with the report from someone you have been seeing for years!?! I had my therapist do my evaluation - everything was fine!!
Don't give up. Perhaps he was just not the surgeon for you, and this happened for a reason. Please continue to explore your options.
Best of luck!!
Thanks Elisa. I'm feeling better already. I'm moving on. But I won't let it get me down. I'm just going to have their pshyc to the eval next week and get a new surgery date after that. This surgeon groujp has such a high rating for not killing people!!!! WLS is still the only way for me. I've tried all my life to loose weight.
Take Care, Eve
I'm glad you are able to work everything out. I had a bumpy road before my surgery also. My surgery was scheduled for Jan 10th. Everything was approved and ready to go by mid December. My company decided to switch insurance companies, beginning on Jan 1, and did not notify us until December 28th!! Needless to say, I was unsure if I was going to be able to have my surgery until a few days before!! Luckily, everything worked out. Nothing has ever come easy for me, including WLS - LOL!! Oh well - what's that saying - what does not kill us, makes us stronger!!
Best of luck!!
I am so sorry things did not work the way you had planned. My husband had surgery with Dr. Bertha in June and I can vouch for his great abilities. I was with him when he went to the psych ( the one down the hall from them...I think the name is Flynn) and he had the report back to their office right away. My psych and nutrition are not until the 18th of Oct. and Carla from Berthas office said to ask them to please fax it right to her so she could get it right in. Maybe that is what you can do as well and maybe you can join me on the 30th of Oct. I have become very familiar with the workings of their office and how things go from my husband surgery so if I can help in any way please let me know. Best of luck to you and keep your chin up. Everything will work out the way it was meant to.

hi evelyn
i can relate
i had to cancel my surgery due to low blood cells -- i would have been in the operating room on 10/6 -- but --- things happen --- and they happen for a reason -- so now instead of surgery on my son's birthday i'll have it the day before thanksgiving -- life moves on
keep your chin up -- stay positive -- and smile at the idiots that get in your way
take care