Friday I will be 8 months out. Has this been happened to anyone. In last last week or so. I have noticed I can eat a lot more. I know that gradually you are able to eat more and more but this was such a drastic change. I never really ever felt full after surgery but I would get this felling down in my throat and I would know I had enough or to much. But I do not get that feeling any more and I never feel full. I have gone from eating close to a half of sandwich to a whole one from 1/2 and egg to a whole one plus. I am constantly hungry and cannot seen to stop eating. Over the weekend I never stopped eating. When I stepped on the scale on Saturday instead of loosing I gained 1/2 pound. I am afraid now to step on the scale for fear I may have gained more. When I look at myself in the Mirror I seem to look fatter.
I dont know why this is happening I did everything I was told to do. I exercise. I am so scared this is it I am and always will be an obese person.
I am so scared.

Your "honeymoon" period has ended which is normal. For me, the first five months, no hunger was ever felt, but around the 6th month, the hunger or appetite came back with a vengence. You will be able to eat more now, and it is a danger time when you must implement everything you've learned up to this point -- getting in all your water, eating protein first, counting calories, etc. All those things we weren't successful in doing before WLS -- remember your surgery was only a tool, not a cure for our obsessive eating - now is the time to utilize your tool along with your head! Sorry, but there are no easy answers, and many of us continue to battle the one in our heads lots longer than the ones in our stomache. You may have already heard the phrase "they fixed my stomache, but not my head, and that's where the problem is" -- a truer statement was never made.
Good luck.
Revision on 05/01/14
I'm 11 months out and I know just what you're going through. Somedays I feel like I can eat soooo much, but then other days a lot less. It's scary when you realize that the obese person you were is trying to make a comeback. That's why the support here is so great. Right now I'm pregnant, so I'm dealing with a whole new set of challenges and concerns. I guess we all just need to remember why we did this and that we are ultimately in control. I know it's scary, but we can do it together. As far as the 1/2 lb gain goes, try not to panic. Most of us been up and down by a few pounds here and there over the course of our wls journey. I have the same fears and I'm so glad to have a place like OH where I can get support from so many others who've been there too. Feel free to email me if you ever need to talk. Good luck with the rest of your wls journey.
I have experienced your fear.....It get's scary when you notice that you had to choke down half a cup of yogurt and now you can eat the whole yogurt and have eggs too....
One of the ways I combat those hungry feelings is to make sure I get enough protein with some healthy fat.....Like eggs with some lite cheese or Salmon drizzled with olive oil ( I use a natural spray bottle). In combination, these food items make us less hungry.
I have not stuck to my dietitians advice of eating three meals and two snacks...Instead I eat about 6 small meals...this helps with hunger.
I strongly suggest that you stay away from processed carbs. If i start eating them, like crackers, pretzels or anything like that, I crave them all day and I am hungry all day.
I also agree that all of us see little weight gains in our process,,,but don't avoid the scale. You need it to catch yourself..its an old trap to avoid the scale and to hide from weight gain.
I don't think you will always be an obese person, but I think we are all afraid of being an obese person. For most of us, this surgery is the last of a string of what have been largely unsuccessful weight managment programs...but this really works..with hard work and vigilance. You are doing the work, so you will continue to see results.
Go see your dietitian and ask them to evaluate what you are eating. When I feel like I am slipping I go back to journaling my intake. Sometimes I find I am eating more than I should be or too many processed foods, or carbs or getting to free with the salad dressing.....The dietitian reviews my journals and puts me back in line.
I also keep handy my dietary instructions from my dietitian...If I am slipping, I go back to a stricter interpretation of WLS guidelines...High Protein, between 75-90 grams a day Low fat, less than 30 % total fat, no processed foods, no more than 25 grams of carbohydrate at any one sitting... No more than 1000 calories a day. Lots of water, 2 calcium citrates, 2 Flinstone Complete Chewables and my Iron supplement....
This is a lifelong battle.....And you are doing fine....Don't get too discouraged...Keep in touch with your support group and stay on the boards.....