Are lean pockets ok to eat.
Hi Joanne;
i know that all the nutrionist give different advice but the rule that I am living with is the amount of carbs and sugar in a product. I try to stay under 100 g. of carbs per day. My personal opinion is that we have worked too hard in the process to put anything but the best food for us into our bodies. I would use the lean pockets as an emergency or a quicky I am running out of time meal but not on a steady basis. That is just my opinion.
PS I love lean pockets.
I think if you have to ask if it's ok, the answer is most likely "no."
Is it on your list from your surgeon and nutritionist?
Is it a whole food with adequate protein?
Why do you want a lean pocket? If it's the insides you crave, make your own concoction:
Roll up ham and cheese and microwave, make a meatball with sauce and sprinkle on some parmesan cheese, etc.
If its the outside, remember this, your pouch is small. There is no proper nutrient in the outside of a lean pocket.
I am sorry I'm so opinonated today.
Just as a flip side opinion..
It depends on how far you are taking your nutrition. If you plan to be a whole food nut who never gives into anything processed..
..well then they suck.
(I used to be on the 'two steps from human hands' plan until about 5 months out. I'm not so strict anymore. )
If you eat everyday sort of stuff (which I do)..well, they are not so horrible.
The philly cheese steak one lists the following..
300 calories
15% of the calories are from fat.. which while not great..isn't real bad. (7g of fat, 2g of that saturated)
44g of carbs..of which only 3g is sugar.
17g of protein..which is good in any form.
Major drawback? Salt. 760mg. Less then Chinese food, but about 1/3 of what you need for a whole day.
I recently developed the mentality of being a whole food this made me laugh. Please note that I really don't try to be a whole food nazi and pu**** on other people. It might seem that way when I talk about it.
Personally I shy away from white flour because of insulin resistence and hormonal problems. Also, I think I was a food addict, and for me, I'd rather stay away--I picture the "white stuff" as heroin.
I'm not perfect all the time, although I seem that way. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Just kidding.
I have total respect for folks who go that route. I know how difficult it is and personally, while I could do it, I found after a while I was getting cranky because my body was not getting enough chemicals
I did the program that only allows foods that have been touched by humans twice. For example, picking and cooking.. If it has to be breaded before cooking..well that's three times so nope..right out. It was an interesting thing to try for a while, but like I said.. I needed my recommended daily allowance of DDT. (I remember playing in the "fog trucks" as a kid..perhaps thats where it comes from

Nope. I am down to about 6 to 8 times a day now. I can eat more, so getting the calories in is not as hard. It isn't easy, but not too hard.
I've also added 3/4 of an inch to my biceps, an inch to my chest and lost an inch of my waist in the past four months. (34 inch staggers me.) Bodyfat is ~13%
Ok, so maybe bragging about that is a little more muscle-head then I admit to being, but the short form is that the workouts continue to go well
The best news (while I am in update mode) is that I no longer work in the city. Just started a new job on Monday in south-western NJ..just a short 50 minute commute from my house. I never realized how cool daylight is

For a real "clinical answer" here....
My dietician from Dr. Trivedi's office, Lean Pockets are not on her list of things to eat.
In my book, "WLS for DUMMIES", Lean Pockets are ok beginning in stage 4, which is the 4'th week after surgery.
I am just one month out (tomorrow actually) and I am afraid of trying anything like that yet, but I am guessing in another couple of months I will try one.
My book also says we are allowed to have the "South Beach Diet" prepared meals in the refrigerated section of the grocery store.
As for me, I sit here drinking my protein drink with frozen stawberries in it, put through the blender of course!
Michelle Brennan
Ross will grab a Lean Pocket as we are heading out the door in the morning to go somewhere --
Lean Pockets--1 piece--Ham, Egg & Cheese-- Low Fat--6g Protein--140 Cals--4g Sugars
Lean Pockets--1 Piece--Sausage, Egg & Cheese--Low Fat--7g Protein--150 Cals--4g Sugars
and he's been eating them for a month or so -- he's still losing weight -- and it's alot better than what he used to eat for breakfast ;) i think McDonalds is going out of business soon
everyone is different -- call your Nut -- in the end, it's your choice
take care