Plateau Already?
I am down 53 pounds, but I've been stuck here for almost 2 weeks
My calorie intake is still not very high, so I'm trying to add an extra protein shake in to not only boost my protein, but increase the calories.
I have not been to the gym this week, but have been walking A LOT, and quickly. I actually think I did more "walking" than I did on the treadmill, but still know I have to get back to the gym.
The only thing I know I haven't done is get in enough water. I'm working on bumping that up too.
I am about 7 weeks post op, and was hoping not to see a roadblock so soon

Hi Anna:
Please remember - you have lost a lot of weight in a very short amount of time. Your body is just playing catchup. You will continue to lose if you do the things that you are supposed to do (eat enough protein / eat well, exercise, drink water). Keep doing what you are doing, and the weight will continue to come off.
You are doing great!!!
hi anna
don't worry -- just keep going -- did you say that you were trying to add a protein shake to 'increase' the calories?? try to eat more food with protein instead of the shake -- and remember to tell me to practice what i preach in a month
you will go down to only losing 1 or 2 lbs a week soon -- don't worry about -- think positive -- when was the last time you lost 53 lbs in that short of a time span????
how many calories are you getting in a day???? according to our NUT it should be about 600-800 cals a day for right now (that's ross's)
call me if ya want

Water is the first thing I see. I struggle with it myself. I find I do much better drinking from a straw as opposed to a cup. However, I'm 1 1/2 years out, and I don't get trapped air from a straw. I know it's frowned upon to drink from a straw in the beginning.
Try to get a cup you really like. For me, I had a hello kitty cup and it made me happy, and it made my secretaries laugh, so it kept me going in the beginning. They would actually love to go and fill it up for me and force me to drink...hehe
I wasn't drinking any water for awhile, and I just went to target and found a 24oz thing I like. I can down that fast now and I'm up to 3 a day, and my goal is 4 or 5 of them. I know we're supposed to drink 1/2 our body weigh in ounces.
Not a roadblock - just a lane slowdown.
Water is key - try to up that ASAP.
Your tool is working properly; your body is just adjusting. I'm almost 2 years out & it's still working for me.
You'll be fine.
"Life is too short to wear sensible shoes!"