Lakewood OCWLS Meeting Reminder
Just a reminder that this Thursday, September 21 is the Lakewood meeting of the OCWLS Support Group at 7pm - 9pm. We will still be meeting at the Center for Healthy Living this month in back of Kimball Medical Center, 198 Prospect Street, Lakewood - at 7pm.
Hope to see many of you there! Now chime in -- whose coming?
It is a seperate, grey colored little **house** like building. If you face the front of the hospital ( think in your minds eye... south to your left, north to your right... Route 9 to your back... standing on the sidewalk -figuratively speaking)
Now.. (in our **minds eye** scenerio) you would turn to your right, and walk around the building (counter clockwise) and then across the parking lot (maybe about a block.. perhaps two) to get to the grey building marked
Center for Healthy Living.
Its at the corner of Williams Street and Prospect Street... there is ample off street parking right next to the building
I will be there early, and if anyone has any questions feel free to call or text message me (Cingular wireless doncha know).
The meeting is at 7pm... the building has its own restroom facilities and I will have the coffee brewin : ) My cell is 732-278-1940.
I will be there by about 615pm. Please call me if anyone has any questions.
Timmy Ray
I so enjoy reading your posts!!!! I have been a bundle of nerves lately...banding on Wednesday...agghh...I laughed so hard when I read this!! I may just have to have you post something to me on Tuesday to calm me down..or as the case may be ...make me laugh all my "fears" are way too funny!!