Hello My Friends~
I finally ventured out today and REMEMBERED to get my Viactiv calcium chews. That is what the nutritionist recommends at Dr. Trivedi's office. The problem is, the first ingredient on the label is CORN SYRUP! I thought we were staying away from sugars?
This seems strange and I don't want to take one until I know it's ok. I looked all over the shelves and didn't see a sugar free calcium chew either. Maybe this is the exception to the rule?
Anyone else taking these? They won't cause me to dump right? That is my worst fear right now. Thanks for your help!
Michelle Brennan
I wanna try them, the multi and the calcium, I take childrens vitamins right now and I want a different taste in my mouth, I actually have save $2 on either, and I have 2 of them so, I might get them today or soon, thanks for asking, I wouldn't think that there would be enough to do anything, have a great day everyone
i take them also michelle, my doctor says its ok to use them.
im finding out that almost everything has sugar and you have to pick and choose your way through whats ok and what is not.
another example is canned light fruit, it has sugar but doctor says it ok to eat.
and no i havent dumped, i take two a day, when i remember, one in the AM and one in the PM>
hugzzzzzzz, jacki
The thing that worried me was that CORN SYRUP and high fructose corn syrup were the first 2 ingredients on the label. I was taught that if sugar (or any sugar product) was in the first 5 ingredients it's not for us. I did notice that the total sugar content was only 3 grams. I guess because the chews are so small, thank goodness. I do like the chocolate cherry multi vitamins, they are like a treat!
Michelle Brennan
Hi Michelle,
Yup me too --taught about the sugar thing. Got my kids reading the labels Someone in my group brought up the corn syrup issue (we had to meet in a group the other day) and she said it was a small amount and the benefits from the vitamins outweigh the bad of the corn syrup. Which was great news for me because I like them and thought, great now what am I gonna take. Actually I was surprised by her because one of the nurses at the hosp told me that Dr O won't allow us to take Centrum Liquid and that the Dietician agrees with him, and when I brought it up, she was like yeah you can take it, My sister dumps from sugar to this day---and she is 4 years out from bypass. She also dumps from pasta. I guess its the whole- carb issue- she is having. I hope that doesn't happen to me.
Banding--one week from today...yikes.

Hey Michelle : )
I will bring a container of both the Mint and also one of the Chocolate Calcium Citrate that we have (we bought a case of both... oy veh ). They are not as artsy fartsy at Viactiv... but they ARE the recommended calcium CITRATE kind... verses the not so good STEARATE kind.
Calcium citrate....... good
calcium STEARATE...... Not good... not easily absorbed... bad : /
You can have them, and I think you will like them, they are chewable, no sugar at all (at least I think so..l. its 319am doncha know and my ready reference ability is flagging... :P)
BUT.. you have to help me get hooked up in the area wrestling scene..... I applied for assistant coach at Jackson HS (the new school) but still no word... I need to get on the MAT this year.... I drive for Murphy out of the Jackson Industrial park (near Swarthmore and Rutgers)... you mentioned the Shore something... wrestling club?
SO.. hook me up? tell me where to go (now... now... be nice : P ) ... when you guys meet..... any body in the area need help with coaching...?
MY efforts to get involved have been unsuccessful and I definitely need to release some stress.... wrestling is better than most things at helping do that.
SO hit me up side the head (gently... wrestling Moms tend to know just where to smack ya when you misbehave : P ) tonight at the meeting please and tell me where to begin so I can start getting plugged in?
See you this evenings... congrats at your successful surgery and losing !! Yay : ))
Timmy Ray