Drum Roll please
Went to see my primary doctor today - and I am dow to 205lbs - 85 lbs down and 15 to get to goal - she was very please with me - was displeased at the reaction on my surgeon when i last saw him - told me that I have lost it all in porpotions (sp) and that she was very happy for me - wanted to get me on birth control - which was funny - so I am really proud of my self - I did have to do some inner searching the last time I saw my surgeon because it made me feel like a failure when I saw him - him telling me that I needed to stick to the program and that I was either eating too much or too little - so I started eating more - well actually I make 2 32 oz cups of iced coffee with my vanilla protein shake and drink those all day along with whatever i have been eating and needless to say it has helped I've lost 15 since the last time I weighed myself - so thanks for letting me share - SS

awesome SS -- glad your dr is so supportive and positive!! my PCP is great in that respect also
it helps
i'm not going to have a goal weight -- when i'm comfortable and i can breathe and look good in jeans and a blouse and high heels again then i'll stop losing -- or my body will just stop losing for me -- but i WILL NOT set myself up to fail by not getting to a goal -- that is just for me personally
and remember to complain to your PCP about hanging skin and how bad it is and blah blah so it becomes a medical necessity to have it removed ;)