Sleep Study Results - ??
I just picked up my CPAP machine today and my settings are 6.
I was reading the Polysomnogram Report and the Diagnosis is as follows:
1. Mild rem-related obstructive sleep apnea
2. Periodic limb movements of sleep
3. Type 1 2nd-degree heart block
Naturally, # 3 has me totally freaked out! What does this mean? I have calls into my pcp, my heart doc (still waiting on results from the nuclear stress test)... to see if someone can explain to me what all of this means, because the words "heart block" are scaring me.
Would really appreciate any thoughts or insight any of you may be able to provide.
and NO michelle i do NOT want to go for a sleep test!!!!! dont' put my name on that mailing list!!!!!
jim today was awesome -- PAT's went good
blah blah blah -- and we will be at the meeting on the 26th since we will be in philly anyways
love ya
look at it this way -- you wake up every day so you must be doing good!!

6!!! That is awesome!!! I am a 7. All went well in the beginning, but tomorrow I have to call Bold Air...I have taken up taking my mask off and turning the machine off....all in my sleep!!!!! In the beginning I wore it all night, then i progressed to taking it off at 3am--but fully aware of it...last night I woke up with it lying on my tummy.
Hey how did you get the report??? I didn't get one! did you ask or did they just furni****
Best wishes to you!!
I got used to mine fairly quickly...But I had to call them today because for the last two nights, I wake up with it off and lying next to me...I have long hair and I put it on my head like a headband...up by my bangs and then at the bottom of my hairline/neckline. I am gonna start using a hairclip so that I will wake up -hopefully it will pull my hair and wake me up. My leg is so swollen from not getting enough of it, its making me nuts.
I am so used to mine that I have to pull it off for a sec to make sure air is still blowing thru it. What kind of mask do you have?? I have a mirage swift...really tiny.
Good luck and take care!
Okay everyone. I am not trying to out do you but I am 46 years old and a 13. I had a new Dr. and he said he didn't believe I really had Sleep Apnea so he sent me for a second test. He told me I could stop using the machine until the test. When I went to his office and he looked up the results he was like, "holly smokes". Oh well, I had my surgery a week ago. Hopefully that machine will go in the trash soon.