Cardiac Doc
Hi All: Saw the cardiac doctor today and I have to go for a Nuclear Stress Test.. oh joy this should be fun.. i have 2 appointments on friday the 22 with the pulmonologist and venous doppler. on the 20th i go see the psych (any advice on what not to say) lol then the 28th off to see the gastroenterologist.. i have my weeks cut out for me, but in the end it will all be worth it!! just keeping you posted!! any comments or advice is always welcome!!!!!!

don't tell the psych dr that you will
1) kill him if you don't pass the test
2) kill yourself if you don't pass the test
3) eat oreos until your toes fall off
4) anything that ever happened in 'Band Camp'
good luck with all your testing
my nuclear (big word there) stress (isn't that how i get thru life everyday??) test (another one) is on 9/26
you want me to remember way back on the time machine when i had my psych exam??? let me dig out the old calander from last yr haha -- wow!! it's NOT written on the calander book!! i'm looking in the booklets we got now -- hold on --ok this is bothering me now!! i'm ANAL about organization!! ok going to get the calander off the bathroom wall now --2/22/06 is when we had our psych exams -- thank goodness for that bathroom calander hahaha
and now you want me to remember what we talked about???????????
i was probably complaining to him about STRESS because AETNA was giving me a run around about my medication for Hep C!!!! i think i was ready to go pick everyones nose and aggravate them by then!!! little pretty boy psych dr!! ya, i was probably telling him that this appt is stupid and if wants to talk STRESS then this is the time!! maybe my head was spinning like Linda Blair too!! but hey, i passed hahaha
ok now you have a good day

Hi Charlene,
The Psych Evual is to make sure that you know that the surgery is not keeping you from feeling hungry and that by having it done you are guaranteed to lose weight, they want to hear that you know its a tool to help you lose weight. Oh and if you have eating issues, stress, or snacking all day...they will want to get to the bottom of what is stressing you --you can either be made to go to therapy before the surgery or after depending upon the psych doc. You have to say things like "I know this is just to help me help myself in my diet efforts" or for me (banding) I said "this is like an internal diet pill for me, its to help me in my diet efforts"
Good Luck!!!
Surgery is gonna be here before you know it!!!
Take care,
My psych. appointment went very smoothly. I don't even remember talking about issues really. He told me about a new diet pill coming out, asked me if I'd like to try that before having surgery, I said no thanks, the weight will just come back like with the phen-fen. All 60 pounds came back, plus 10 more!
I would just stay away from telling the psych. that you expect this surgery will cure all the wrongs in your life, it's a tool, don't overplay it's power. Just my guess of what not to say. Roberta's list was good too!!!!