Gym Coverage?
Hi Donna,
Insurance doesn't usually pay for gyms unless you've been in an accident or have had major heart problems...things of a rehabilatative nature.
A long time ago they did, but now since someone decided that walking is really good for you and all the rage, they don't cover it anymore, they figure you can just walk.
hi donna
some Aetna policies will pay for a gym -- read your booklets -- the website is and you sign up there and see what is available and how it's paid for -- be careful -- there might not be a gym in your area -- the price might be too high -- we self pay for a gym in our area -- it wasnt' worth it for me to go thru aetna
good luck
If you're the person who gets the insurance (rather than your husband or something), then ask your HR department. If you don't have an HR department, then yes, the web site is the best place to go. I have Cigna, and they'll pay 50 dollars a quarter. Nowhere near what the gym costs me, but money is money, right?
Many insurance companies offer discounted gym memberships at specific gyms....HMO Horizon does...Check with your plan manager. You can use money from theose pre-tax medical expense accounts to pay for gym membership if your doctor documents that you need a gym membership...Thats another way to save on Gym fees...