Very confused...please help
I have finally decided to make the ultimate commitment and have the surgery. My dilemma is which surgeon to choose. I live in South Jersey (Camden County) and recently attended one of Dr Onopchenko's seminars. I was very impressed the amount of information he provided and made my consultation appointment. However, my mother had the surgery done by Dr Jean-Baptisite and recommended I consult with him as well. There are some major differences on how the two will perform the surgery. My dilemma is that Dr Jean-Baptiste is a two hour drive for me, whereas Dr O is only 30 minutes. My mother has had GREAT success after her surgery; no pain, no drains, discharged the following day, was able to drive after only two weeks post-op, etc...... I'd like to hear the same feed back about Dr O. I'm not so much concerned about the appointments, it's making the support group meetings. My insurance has now requested to see proof that I have attended some meetings prior to surgery. I work full time, married and have three children who all have something going on any given day. I know I need to do this for me but I also don't want to disturb the family either. I'm afraid if I do decide to use Dr J, I will regret having to make that ride to North Jersey. Please help
I believe that word of mouth is the best recommendation when it comes to selecting a surgeon, however I would suggest seeing the surgeon near your home as well as attending some of his support groups to get an idea of what his patients would have to say. Once that has been done and if you are comfortable with Dr. O, then your decision is simple.
Best Wishes,
Dr. O is doing my surgery on 9/27..banding. He did my sis's gastric 4 yrs ago. He is totally awesome!! No drains either. I love him, he is smart, and a totally positive friendly person. I just went to bootcamp on Thursday. My husband was very impressed with the care you get under his orders. The hospital is very see the floor, you try out the bed, get some groovy gifts. Everyone is so helpful and understanding. I am totally at ease about this. If Dr O couldn't do my surgery, I wasn't having it done! I am also 30 mins away , but in the opposite direction, I am exit 58 on the Parkway. I totally understand about your not being sure. I know I wouldn't want to travel (not to sway
Good Luck in your decision!!!
Hi Jeanne-
My consult with Dr Jean-Baptiste was actually my third inquiry on the bypass surgery. The very first consult I had was a year in ago at Temple. I don't remember the surgeons name but I didn't like the atmosphere of the hospital at all. My husband and I were sitting with all kinds of sickly people. Then we get called back and the NP tells us the doctor will not be making my appt, other things to do. She gave us the whole rundown of basically what would happen, we asked lots of questions, etc. Needless to say I completely changed my mind as soon as we walked out of there. Didn't start considering it again until about two months ago. We went to Dr O's seminar and was very pleased. Had my consult with Dr JP and was also very pleased. I have my one-on-one consult with Dr O on 9/27. I think I will still go and ask about the drain. I did ask him about it at the end of the seminar and he said he does put it in but I will speak with him and stress my concerns. I'm sure there are other docs in Philly but I would like to try to stay as close to home as possible and my insurance pays 100% if I stay in-network. Thanks for replying to my post. Congrats to you on your success. I wish you well, Kris.
Hi Kristie,
Dr O does a drain for bypass but not for banding. (I just went to bootcamp on Thursday and asked that very same question. I saw the drain though, no biggie sis had the drain for her bypass with Dr O. she said it was totally painless.
I am having my surgery the day you have your consult with Dr. O!!!! Too bad you won't be at the hospital, I was gonna say come up to the third floor and I can tell you first hand what the banding is they make you get up and walk so its not like I'd be sleeping. Best of luck with your decision!!
Let us know how it went!!
First of all I would say don't let the distance of the surgeon scare you away. IF the surgeon you feel most comfortable with is 2 hours away, it's worth the drive. My surgeon is almost 2 hours from me. I live in Brick, he is in Hackensack, well worth the drive everytime I go! Feeling safe is the most important thing in the world when it comes to this surgery. I have heard wonderful things about both surgeons you are looking at by the way.
You don't go to the surgeons office all that much anyway. I met my surgeon once before the surgery. I did go to the informational meeting too, so that was twice. I have seen him once since the surgery, and will go again in 2 more weeks, after that it's a couple of times a year. You can get your necessary labs done by your primary care physician, which is probably near your home.
Now onto a very important part of your posting. SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS. You must attend these. I can't even begin to tell you how invaluable these are to you right after surgery, even right before surgery. There are so many things the surgeon doesn't have time to discuss with you, you will learn these at your support group meeting. It doesn't have to be a support group run by your doctor. I can't drive to Hackensack once a month for my surgeons support group. I do go to 2 groups near me, Toms River and Lakewood, that's 2 groups a month. I give them SO MUCH credit for my surgery and recovery going to smoothly. I am sure my doctor had a role in it too, but I love my groups! It's there that you will find out what and what not to do, what you can eat and should avoid for a while, what's "normal" to feel at any given stage of this game.... so many things! People will even show you thier scars and before and after pictures. It's the little things that get you by when you are making this huge decision in your life. I encourage you to find a support group and start attending their meetings the next time thier doors are open..... I also am married, have a job, 3 high school aged kids who play every sport under the sun... but I MAKE the time to go to my group, they are my life line.
PLEASE find a group and start going
You will save yourself a lot of trial and error stuff, trust me on this. My doctor even thanked me for going to group after he did my surgery. I learned there that if you do a liquid diet the week before surgery it makes the surgery easier for you and your surgeon, it shrinks your liver and makes it easier for the surgeon to navigate inside.
A group may even help you decide which doctor is right for you. I am sure if you post looking for a local group, you will get responses. Good luck in your journey and God Bless you along your path.
Michelle Brennan

hi Kristie
we are also in Camden County and we have Dr. Matt Kirkland in Philly -- my husband had surgery on 5/22 and has lost over 100 lbs (open RNY) and my surgery is 10/6 -- it was nice for me to see first hand how the process went with Ross -- now i'm not half as scared as i could have been
i also saw Dr. Manigat to start with and i went screaming and running in the direction of a new surgeon!!
choose carefully -- and choose who YOU are comfortable with, not someone else -- this is your choice
good luck
and we are here for you!!