belly flap
ok so call it what ya want -- the roll of skin that hangs down from the belly
today at the PCP office (this was MY appt) ross starts to talk to the doc and asks him about 'the roll' and how after a shower, and after he scrubs it, he can still smell a nasty smell -- the doc told him this is normal and it's just moisture like your armpits -- i'm sitting there thinking 'ewwwwww' -- he told ross to come in all the time and complain about it -- and after 3 times it will become a 'medical problem' and they will document everything -- he said to come in and complain until he tells him to stop whining and the insurance company fixes his 'medically necessary tummy tuck and/or body lift' -- i know that plastic surgery and insurance don't basically go hand in hand -- but the doc seems to believe this is the route to go for now
i smile when i think of my husband complaining about 'bat wings' and 'thighs rubbing' and 'flabby belly' -- society teaches us that only women can complain about such things haha
hi nancy
nope not a yeast infection -- he's always had it for as long as he's had the belly flap
i can't smell anything, but he can ............ he's such a guy sometimes ........... i think it's his imagination haha
and our PCP is VERY supportive of the both of us having the surgery and how to get things approved -- and besides, he HATES insurance companies haha when he wrote my letter of medical necessity to my surgeon i found out i had ailments that i never knew i had!! well at least i never knew that it was because of the weight -- i used to chalk everything up to old age haha
Nanette, i also have Aetna and i've been learning how to play their games
ross has BCBS

My insurance company (Aetna) covered most of my lower body lift. Before I submitted, I had accumulated four months of medical documentation from my PCP of rashes under the panni (belly hanging) that didn't respond over the long term to creams, etc. The most important thing is medical documentation in getting the insurance companies to cover any kind of plastics.
Good luck.