Consult Complete!!!
WOW is just about how I describe Dr. Bilof and his staff. I arrived about 45 minutes early for my 4pm appointment and no-one was in the waiting room. They had all my insurance info, i just had to sign a few things. I went back to the room about 10 minutes later and spoke with the nurse and answered her questions. Next came in the Doc. I immediatly liked him. He was very personable and answered all my questions that I and my BF Amy had for him. We went through what options were best for me. We decided on the Bypass and I am ready!!! I have to get some tests done but I am going to see his psychologist. Since I live at Exit 58 on the parkway, I can have the other tests done locally. When i left his office it was 5pm... Dr. Bilof spent over an hour with me and I am so grateful. Tomorrow I am on the phones making all of my appointments. Thanks for letting me tell you about my "ANGEL"

Hi Nanette yes i am ready for the ride of my life.. so the journey begins... I just have to get the testing our of the way.. No sleep apnea test though, which is good i guess but I have to take the venous doppler, cardiac, the EGD, psych, thyroid test and another one I can't remember... hope to see you soon

"Nice" is an understatement (but then I'm biased -lol)
You are *both* in fabulous hands!
P~ - my story

Dr. Bilof has such a great personality and he made me feel very comfortable. He even mentioned possibly coming to the TR support group cause i mentioned that is where I work, so who knows we may get a visit.. I think that would be awesome. I am really excited about having this surgery. I will feel so much better about myself and boost my self-esteem in the process...
Nanette: Where is the lake wood support meeting? Thanks for your help too.
Hi Charlene - The Lakewood OCWLS Meeting is next Thursday, September 21 from 7-9pm at Kimball Medical Center -- no room assigned yet. Once we have one, I'll post it -- if not, just ask at the front desk of the hospital for the meeting room assignment.
Hope to see you then. By the way, it would be great if Dr Bilof could attend a Toms River OCWLS Meeting -- it is usually a much larger group than the Lakewood meeting, but either would be fine. Let me know.