My doc said wait about 3 months before trying salad. He said it can be really hard to digest.
Of course, if he heard my idea of a good salad, he's probably tell me to just back away from the salad bar and never speak the word again. I'm talking about lettuce, hard boiled egg, shredded cheese, diced ham or turkey, all the veggies, and then ladles of thousand island dressing.
Obviously, I can easily say I got this fat eating salads.
Hello Pat~
First of all, thanks for calling the other day, that was very sweet of you! Sheri was here for a bbq on Sunday and she said she saw you and you looked great, she could tell you lost a lot of weight. That is always nice
Salad... I know my favorite is the Friendly's Oriental Chicken salad. After surgery we have to get the chicken w/out the oriental marinade they use, it's too high in sugar. The almonds might be a no no too? Not too sure on that though.
I went to Dr. Trivedi's office today, boy do I love that man, and he said to start eating pastina with Ragu, and I did! It sat really well. I have been afraid to eat, so this was a milestone for me. It was almost like he told me it was going to be ok, so I did it! Did I mention I love that man!!! My incisions are healing incredibly well he said, 3 of them you can't see anymore, 12 days post op. 23 pounds gone. The visit was great. First I had a one hour session with the nutritionist, an RN who works for them, the office manager actually, she gave us so much information, it was excellent! She gave me lots of ideas of what I can eat and went over the vitamins we need to be taking now. I need 2 multi vitamins, 1 with breakfast, 1 with dinner. 2 calciums, one with lunch, one with dinner and the B12 sublingual, late at night, like right before bed. I have to go get the calcium and B12 tomorrow.
Off to rest,
Michelle Brennan

It was at least three months for me, may be more....If you eat salad, you should make sure the greens actually have some nutrition in it. Iceberg lettuce is essentially crunchy water, it is really good for adding fiber, but not much else. Use spinach or romaine or endive or other greens....
The problem with salad is that it is a little too bulky in the beginning....with little nutrtitional payoff...That is unless you add protein to it like roast chicken, turkey, egg or low fat cheeses or beans...
I agree with AJ and Nanette...the new WaWA salads are great....I only wish there was better lettuce in them...(The Caribean Chicken salad had nice dark greens in it) Stay away froim the dried cherry and nut chicken salad (Too many calories in the beginning), and if you choose the Cobb salad, eliminate about half the bacon....I miss the fiesta salad...It had black beans and a salsa that was so tasty you didn't need any other dressing..... The Chef salad has suprisingly few calories...The best news is they are very convienient and not very expensive for take out...