Dance, Dance, Dance!!
Hey All:
I took my first dance class in 21 years last night!! I can not tell you how excited I am! I have been wanting to take a dance class for some time, but at 360 lbs, I didn't feel it was possible. I promised myself when I had WLS in January, that I would lose enough weight to sign up for a Jazz class in September. Well, 117 lbs down, I felt confident enough to sign up.
I smiled for the entire class! I can not tell you how good it felt to be able to do all the excercises and dance moves the instructor demonstrated. I am so greatful for this wonderful tool I now have! I just wanted to share!!
You go Girl!!! My first appointment w/my Doc for WLS is today and when i have the surgery and start my new journey, i plan on taking a tap class @ my daughters dancing school... I am very excited for you... I can't wait to start my journey to a better and healthier life!! Keep up the good work!!

Thanks so much!! I think I am going to take Tap next year!! I never thought I'd be able to take a dance class again. Please make sure that you do sign up for dance after your surgery. I know that I have spent many years saying "When I lose the weight, I will (fill in the blank)." I think it is important for us to start doing all the things we couldn't do prior to WLS.
Best of luck in your journey!!
Thank you so much!! Hopefully I will lose enough weight to dance in the recital!
Isn't it a great feeling to be able to do something like dance at a wedding, or walk the boardwalk down the shore, and not have to worry about things hurting, or running out of breath? I feel so blessed to have had this surgery. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!