My Own Ramblings
Does anyone do yoga? I'm starting to practice on my own, because I find the classes a) too expensive and b) I'm so inflexible!!!!! I have the flexibility of a 100 year old dead man who is suffering from rigor mortis!!! When I take a class I feel so completely inadequate and behind everyone else. Living in Ocean County, 3/4 of the class are seniors and they can run circles around me.
All this had me thinking about my physical condition, so I have been lifting weights and really streamlining my diet. I went to Franklin Vitamins in Forked River, which I must add I'm totally in love with the guy that works there he is super smart and so nice, and the guy gave me a body fat analysis, and I realize I have to focus on gaining lean muscle and losing fat. I believe my comment to my secretary after the fat analysis is I should be thrown onto a rotisserie and grilled b/c I'm a pig. oink oink.
Everyone talks about losing weight and losing a shoe size. Well, finally after all this time all my freaking shoes are all of a sudden too big. Which wouldn't matter much, but I own 58 pairs of shoes!!!! Bummer.
People keep telling me I'm losing weight, but I've been the same for quite a while. Which I find weird. I feel like my body is "settling" like a house, on it's new foundation. Hence, the new shoe size.
On another note, I finally run out w/o my girdle on and wham, run into the gorgeous Nannette in Walmart. I also ran into a few other people that day sans girdle. Pushed me another step closer to reconstructive surgery. I'm so sick of having to wear them and I'm having trouble finding ones that fit properly. I'm going to have to get it specially made, which to me is just over the line.
Stepping off the soap box...oh yeah, also, I know I have to go to an OCWLS meeting. Somehow, when Fridays roll around, I just get really selfish and go off on some venture by myself. The Lakewood meeting always seems to coincide with a political or theater event...
hi A
i did yoga back a million yrs ago or so -- loved it!!
don't ya hate it when ya run out for a minute thinking no one will see me at this hour or this place and whammo they are all there!!
you can put all your shoes on Ebay haha
doesn't Kmart have girdles that work??? let me know
take care

The problem I am having with girdles is that the ones that are small enough for my waist slide over your body instead of having eye hooks. I actually was buying at Kmart, but the Pink K brand never seems to come in small and the Medium is too big.
There are some that slide over your bottom, but the problem I have is that I have a big butt, and to fit my waist, they won't fit from the bottom. Yes, I have tried going over the head, but I have broad shoulders and that was a sitcom episode in and of itself. Realistically I have to go to a specialty shoppe
I think there is one in Toms River on Rt 70.
Also, the OTC girdles seem to lose elasticity quickly and/or the stays are poor quality and then go in the opposite directions, thus creating lumps. (Making me think of that Black Eyed Peas song, but I don't think this is what Fergie had in mind). There is nothing worse than seeing someone with a lumpy back. ICK.
I may consider eBay for my I'll sell them as a lot.

So good to see you are back! I love your postings.
I thought I remembered you talking about some kind of support underwear at a meeting, or at the diner maybe? I saw something online and I ordered a pair of SPANX. Is that them? They look good, comfortable, and are $25 a pair, plus I had a coupon! I love online shopping with coupons! I belong to this site called I check it all the time, I love to shop! If anyone wants to check it out, you can go there and find the LWIF boards, they are all online coupon codes and outrageous sales... did I mention I LOVE shopping?
Anyway, are SPANX the right brand you were talking about? That was my question. Thanks!
Michelle Brennan