Sounds like you have all your little ducks in a row! Don't forget support group on 9/26 we want you to make sure we all know that you are on your way!
congrats on your birthday! This is a good time for you. I hope you have a wonderfull birthday and that the next year brings you lots of new dreams and wow moments. Here's to a healthy and happier new life!
keep your fingers crossed for me. You have the hard part done . I know you will breeze thru the rest. And surgery- Here is to a quick and uneventful one!
and lots of hugs,
p.s. they were waiting for me to drop it off.

i'll cross my toes too!!!
i'm not a religious person or a spiritual person -- but i do believe that good things happen to good people -- i believe there is a way to get whatever you want in life if you never give up -- i believe that nothing is handed to anyone and you have to do the legwork and your homework to get ahead -- be good to others -- what comes around goes around (careful) -- careful what you ask for (you might get it but not the way you want it) -- everything happens for a reason -- and always smile (or at least try to) -- someone is always better off than you and someone is always worse off than you (stay balanced) -- everyday that you wake up it is a new day (start fresh) -- smile at ignorant people (for they do not know) -- smile at the homeless person (you are an illness or a paycheck away from being them)
so Franni -- i believe
i believe that everything will work out for you -- i believe that you will be fine -- i believe