Looking for help!!
Congtratulations on your surgery first of all
The way I handle trying to get all the water in is to always have a bottle of water with me. When I get thirsty, I drink... slowly and steadily.. pace yourself or you will stretch your pouch or do worse damage. I think at your stage it might be 4oz per hour? Did the hospital give you the medicine cups to use to measure that out? They helped me. If they didn't give you those, get some 4 oz water cups at the store, and just start from there.
Good luck and Godspeed in your healing!
Michelle Brennan

I had my RNY on 09/05 as well, and it sure is difficult to get the right amount of water in as well. Make sure the water is tasty; try a flavored water, keep it cold if you prefer it like that. As far as the protein, that's another PITA as well. I try to do one shake of the Desginer Whey with Skim Plus milk to cover my protein needs daily. Blend it up with some chipped ice in the blender, and add a Splenda for a little more sweet taste. Then nurse it down... You are not alone! Good luck! Niick.
KC ,
You need a routine:
get up 6am-7am: water
7:30-8:00 no water
8-8:30 protein shake
9-10:30 Water (iron)
10:30-11 no water
11-11:15 snack- protein
11:30-12 no water
12-1 water
1:30 lunch protein
2-2:30 no water
2:30-4 water (calcium)
4-4:30 no water
4:30 -4:45 snack protein
4:45-5:15 no water
5:15-6 water
6-6:30 no water
6:30-7 dinner protein
7- whenever water
That's something like i did it.. My nutritionist showed me how to do this.. I was really confused and frustrated at first.. but it becomes routine.. and all in this routine remember to include your vitamins because you cannot take them all together.
For protein I too use the designer whey with milk, never water.
Hope this helps,
I also had my surgery on 9/5 and have had no problem with drinking water. I do sip it because I have noticed that when I drink too fast I feel like air bubbles as it goes down and it hurts. Protein I still don't take any maybe as of tomorrow they might start me when I go see the doc. I drink Crystal Light which has alot of flavors and that seems to work as well.
Don't wait 'til you get thirsty - you'll never get enough in! Having a bottle of liquid by your side nearly constantly (except pre/post "meals") is the best idea. Try to add Lemonade or Iced Tea powders to your drinks, more tasty than water. Also try Chocolate Milk in addition to regular Skim Plus milk. (The Skim Plus comes in Chocolate flavor). In case you are not aware, most grocery stores have their own brand of the "skim plus" type milk - for about a dollar less than the Farmland brand. Lastly also intermittently have hot liquids, broth or decaf tea, to get more liquid in.