Okay I need to know............................
How nervous were you before you went into surgery? Or was it totally excitement? In 3 mins I will officially have 18 days left......ugh its all i think about...and i REALLY need to study for school! I am losing it. Not scared...just really excited. Like a little kid counting down to go to Disney World....ugh...am I normal???? OMG it just turned midnight...its offically 18 days!!!!
Hi Barbara:
I was very calm right up until the point they started wheeling me down the hall to surgery. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks -
Holly Crap!! I'm about to have major, life altering surgery, and my life will never be the same after! I don't know why this didn't occur to me before this point. It literally scared the crap out of me, because I made them turn me around to use the restroom!
I was calm again, and they rest is history. I am 8 months post-op. I have no regrets! I am healthier, more mobile, and thinner than I have been in years!! On Monday, I will be starting dance class - something I have wanted to do for about 10 years, but too heavy to do it. Life is good!!
Best of luck in your journey!!

I was so excited, I think the only time I was nervous was late at night when I was trying to sleep and that only happened 2 times if that, I was ready more of a feeling that I wanted to get it done and over with more then anything, I am going to be 2 months out on the 20th and right now the weight is still coming off fast I wi**** was more and faster though, so I wish u luck and what hospital are u going to be at
Hi Rebecca....and All!
I will be at Atlantic City Medical Center...hmm now known as AtlanticCare Medical Center.
lol...I sleep okay--thank goodness. Its during the day I get fidgitty. Like now for instance, I should be studying psych...I have two tests on Monday. But here I am on the boards. My away message states that I am doing homework..total lie!!
I did go buy liquid vitamins today while I was out picking my son up from work, so maybe I will be less excited when I am totally prepared to go. Pre Op is on Tuesday and Barriatric bootcamp, nutritionist follow-up and last pre op visit with the doc is all on Thursday. Oh yeah I found liquid Centrum at Walmart. $8 for the bottle, cracked it open to make sure I would like it....creepy yellow color...but tasted like Bayer chewable asprins for kids...omg I used to love them...so the Centrum will be totally do-able for me!
I am so glad others have replied to my post....I was thinking I was deranged ..lol. When I had back surgery...I was so calm, they came to give me the pre-op happy drugs before wheeling me and and the nurse looked at me and said "Honey, you are already relaxed enough!" I was actually dozing on the gourney out in the hall !! I am not nervous about the surgery or the recovery...I had 3 c-sections so I am used to abdominal cutting. I was home in 2 days after my second one! And 2 days after the back surgery I was shovelling the driveway! So in theory, this should be a snap for me. I just want it done so I can actually study when I say I am...LOL

I have to tell you I was more excited that it was finally happening and I just wanted to get it over with I had waited thru 9 months and 3 days of red tape thru the insurance co. :-@
You will do fine I did get a lil weepy when I had to kiss my husband goodbye because in your mind you know that could be final and you need I think to come to those terms that no matter how safe something is there could always be a unexplained complication - but I had it in my head that this was it and when the doors opened to the really nice OR Room and everyone was just so kind and gentle and didnt treat me as if I was just "another fat person getting surgery" it really releived all the fears I had my surgery was only 1 hour and I have had minor discomfort from the trapped gas but no pain!
You will do fine
Hi KC,
I remember the gas from my c-sections...lol like it was yesterday!!!
My dad came to see me and was making me laugh and the gas was getting worse and worse..I had to ask my parents to leave I couldn't take it anymore! (ha ha fond memories) I am not the type who can "pass it" in front of others...omg i thought i was gonna die!! Of course my family has no trouble with that...so special they are!
I never thought of not coming back from any surgery I have ever had.....hmm must be something wrong with me..LOL. Ha ha my husband is not getting off that easy!
Glad to hear you had a nice experience at the hospital..my sis bought candies for all the nurses when she went, they were so nice to her!
I am so busy at school and with my kids, ya know, a little anesthesia is sounding good right about now...LOL.
Take care,
Hey Barb,
I had RNY w/ Dr. O. I also was VERY xcited until the wee hrs. of the morning on day of surg. & when I dropped my 8yr. old twins off, I cried the whole way to ARMC - then was very nervous waiting for surg. - Bootcamp was very informative - have fun trying out the bed!!!!! Dr. O may tell u Centrum is not the right vitamin for Bariatric pts. I asked him @ last post op if I could take that instead of the thirty some odd dollar vitamins from the Nut & he said ABSOLUTELY NOT. You may want to bring your bottle to Bootcamp & compare w/ the one they sell........don't know if they work hand in hand. Anyway, you are feeling all normal feelings - Support mtg. is this mon. @ 6:00 - I'm sure you would get lots of input!!!!
You must be at 16 days now - it will be here & gone before you know it!!!
Hi Kathleen,
Thanks for posting. Why do you think he said no to Centrum? Its a liquid vitamin. I am not taking Flintstones as I have heard so many do take. I can't go to the support meeting, I am in school from 11am-9:30pm up in Lakewood!! If the pulm doc's office would have been nicer, I would have had this surgery in Aug and I would have been able to attend the support mtgs there! Hubby is laid off, I can't do the $30 vitamins. My sis had RNY with Dr. O and she didn't have to take anything fancy.
Trying out the bed? My sis told me they make you do that! I saw the bed when she was in it...lol. Being a whiner now...lol. Don't they have nurses for that? I have my pre op on tues at 1pm (what they do, I don't remember), and school at 7pm...but what I am really worried about is...i have to be at bootcamp at 7:30am (i have a 9 yr old, gotta get her on the bus!!) then 11am--nutritionist, and then right after, my appt with Dr. O...and I have to be in class at Lakewood at 4pm.....ugh this is gonna be good..I'd rather skip the hosp part and meet with the nutritionist and dr O. only. You think they will let me out of the hospital part?
Take care,
This is a great time for you. Be positive. I am a firm believer of "if you can see it you can be it". I had my surgery May 25, 2005. For months prior to my surgery I visualized the whole proceedure, outcome and recovery. I re-played it every night before I went to bed as I fell asleep. Everything went exactly as I "pictured". I have lost 158 pounds so far and have about 30-35 more I want to lose. This has been a gift for a second chance at the life I want to live. This past year has been amazing for me. Yes I was nervous, but I really think I was more excited than anything else. Good Luck! You are about to recieve a great gift, enjoy it!