I switched to decaf coffee most of the time. I do have the protein drinks with coffee in them -- usually twice a day though. The only thing with the caffeine content is that it doesn't qualify as a "liquid" and you have to up your water intake to supplement whatever you take in in caffeine.
I think it's ok Jacki... I am going to have my first taste of the mocha java Achieve One protein drink today, and I am 6 days post op.
What do you think Nannette, is it too soon yet? I have been on clear liquids so far, but really needing some kind of boost! I need some nutrients big time
The dietician said week 2, phase 2 I should say, I can even have s/f pudding, coffee was actually on week 1, but I didn't want to chance it!

Nannette and Jacki~
AFTER my doctor calling me today I had my first Achiev One Mocha Java protein drink
It was a little piece of heaven to have some protein AND flavor in my system.. I am still oohing and aahing over the whole thing. I drank about 4 ounces of it, then went out and swept off the front porch, walked the dog and folded 2 loads of laundry! Can you say E-N-E-R-G-Y ??!! I CAN!!!! woo hoo... I feel almost normal today, day 6 post op, not too bad for major surgery! I am so thankful to God for watching over me.
Dr. Trivedi wants to see me Tuesday for my post surgical meeting with him and the nutritionist. I am glad, I want to see him and just have his seal of approval, that everything looks right. He let me take the bandages off myself today, and my incisions look like very neat, 1/4 inch long, paper cuts! Amazing... major surgery and I have paper cuts on my belly, 5 nice, neat, clean paper cuts. God is good!!
See you both in Lakewood, I think my Chiropractor's secretary might be joining me, as well as a friend! I feel like a "missionary" spreading the good news "gospel" of WLS lately
Love to you both~
Michelle Brennan