Read Me
Well now that I have your attention...
Tis been a year of transition methinks, aye.. verily ...tis months of days I hath been neglecting my posting.... well no more : )
First... I am offically on HIATUS... (thats a break.. in redneck language) from
S-c-h-o-o-l... but I didnt stray far.... I am still going to be driving school bus and substitute teaching in the Ocean County Area... going for my drive CDL test on .. 9-11. I am going to finish my Masters degree next year... pay down some small debts, get my motorcycle ... (yamaha.. shaft drive... XS1100SF special in case your wonderin)
OUT of the back off my garage-on-wheels aka my red van..
They said... You are going to DRIVE around with an 1100 full size cruising shaft drive MOTORCYCLE in your V-a-n. I said.. Yep. Never tell a redneck *it cant be done.. its like a red flag infront of a bull.
What a concept.
Secondly.... I have been beset with all sorts of physical mischevious maladies, in recent months... NONE life threatening but several that are just dang nabbit.... son of a socray mojay...slavbovian fishpedder chow hound ANNOYING..... including going cold turkey... (long story, bad taste .. less filling) from a PAIN reliever (medically prescribed doncha know.... that proved to be mysteriously addictive....Good news is I am doing good and better each day.
(for those of you curious I will respond email if asked, but not publically as to the doctor prescribed addictive idiom of choice : P Pain med is neccessary because while I am a (sorta) svelte person... in process dontcha know... I used to weigh...
In 1990 810 pounds...
I***** 650 pounds and stayed that heavy until 2004 my day of surgery : P
So I have a lot of muscle and joint pain that is ongoing from being so ... ummm Large.. for so many years... (and I want to referee and coach high school wrestling... yeah THAT is gonna happen... : P
Svelte... (thats my wifes term btw..... I hadda look it up too.... means....
Svelte... from Unabridged
-adjective, svelter, sveltest.
1. slender, esp. gracefully slender in figure; lithe.
2. suave; blandly urbane.
Which I have hope she means 1 instead of 2 but I do talk a lot... urbane? I guess so.
Third.. Life is good. I married a Staten Island Lady (currently abiding in New Jersey Long term) and after 16 months of marriage... life is good. Adjustments? Sure!
But I am treated like a prince, I dont deserve it, and I am privledged (mispell) to have a excellent and diverse group of friends in the OCWLS group support meetings : ))
Fourth.. a Obesity Help dot change is imminent. I met my wife online doncha know.. February 27 or so .. 2005... we met for the first time on May 3, 2005.... married May 16, 2005 (thats thirteen days in for those in Rio Linda CA)....and I dont regret a single day... not one...
I love you Sandi J..W.... Sytsma Or Sweetie for short : ) We go on our cruise in less than a MONTH... wooo woo woo... (okay.. down Timmy Ray... DOWN boy... good boy )
BUT REGARDZ to the name change issue.. the **other board** that I left when we married... on THERE... I USED to be... Timmy Ray on obesity help dot come... but..
(warning.. warning... bleep ** story approaching...
For you see ... gentle reader.. on the OTHER place... a couple of ladies got peeved.... accused me of being a **player** (ahem.. who would have thunk it) because while I thought it was being friendly they thought it was more... yada yada yada...
So.. I got peeved.. and said.. to these um... peoples...
Fine... Go jump off a short peer... sit and spin..... make like a tree and leave... etc etc... to avoid such misconstrued issues on my new **family** place ... online home and obesity help dot come board and web site.... (that be OCWLS, and the New Jersey board) I changed my name from Timmy Ray to ... Sandi s Timmy.
But after a year or so... everyone knows Im m-a-r-r-i-e-d so.. yada yada yada.
(see how you are.... look what you have done to me Sandi..... I am such a mench wannabe... oy veh.... oy veh) I may not be jewish but I am learning (sorta) to talk Jersey. Maybe? Lukewarm yiddishisms on a partly cloudy day?? umm yeah.
So... soon.. going back to Timmy Ray as my moniker.
You have been warned. : )
Fifth... I have lost 220 pounds so farand I am Plateued. Level? Nein Sprechen Weight loss? Nolo lostolo? No weight lost for a while... and I was bummed but then realized all the things that I can do now I couldnt before. I would love to lose up to another 100 pounds... even at 250 or 280 I would be much....
More buff. Buffier? Buff et tu ?? El Buff Amigo? the Buffster?
And between morning runs and evening runs from that Bus company that is hiring me....In Lakewood... (hide your k-12 children Ocean county NOW.. the timmy is Coming....)..well... I can start to go to Toms river fitness again.
Small yay for those post surgery patients everywhere.
Sixth... my wife continues to increase my social skills at an alarming rate...
fundamentally...... incidently.... by design, planning and with womanly charm and appeal.... she is Amazing.. my experiential rate of interaction with upper level life forms is off the chart.... I have you know.
I have ..done an amazing amount of things for a unsophisticated county yokel redneck dude in the last 16 months...
I have been:
Been to walt Disney World on a Second Honeymoon....May this year...
Been to Atlantic City (Twice) and of course I took pictures of all the Monopoly street names....
Been to NYC several times... to..
Broadway show (Lion King... five thumbs up ... : )
Concert .... (the Second of the 12 continuously sold out Billy Joel shows last spring..
Performance... Blue man group.... (seven thumbs up.. truely awesome....
Theater local (Cabaret.... I think is how its spelled... eight thumbs up and a warm thank you to the Angela for the tix... we really loved the show ... for those in the know....
OH.. and I get to CRUISE..later this month... eight days... as in Big ship... NYC harbor... September something... till October something. St Thomas, Tortola.... Bermuda.... whooo whoo.
Which if you knew that I once was a boatswains mate.. E-3... BM3 petty officer third class... in the US Coast Guard reserve in my youth.. and I love the ocean
Im PUMPED. (did I mention that my wife treats me like a prince??
Yeah.. I thought so.
ANYHOW... lest this turn into war and peace.... a missive of over reaching length et all....
I plan on being around more... but I am not sure if thats a good thing... it is literally impossible for me to post at all without giving everyone the benefit of my 144 thousand word missives... *shrug* : )
SPEAKING OF WHICH... why is it now that I have my permit for a CDL I can... bypass the desk and the 64 thousand points of IDENTIFICATION required by NJ DOT...
In Eatontown DMV doncha know.....
by merely holding up my permit... but back when I started... originally.... to take the written.. get the thing started I have to show 42 people my 64,000 pieces of ... ID stuff to say I am me?
I know I know some of the folks five years ago came through jersey airports... but MEIN GOTT in HIMMELL. Some peoples kids. Shrug,.
OH ...last three pieces of information..,. I interviewed for a assistant wrestling coaching position at a local HS..recently at a brand new never used high school... awesome facility and grounds.... so keep me in your prayers......
Im BACK... kinda sort maybe... I thank my friends and supporters ( both of you : P) for the emails and the occassional shout out here like... wtf? Where the H e double toothpicks did he GO?
Sorry. Its that Zen medication (or meditation even) ... but now things are copasetic at the Timmy and Sandi domicile.... so all is G-r-o-o-v-y... man.
Its not that I dont wanna post but I tend to post four LONG posts... or more if at all and sometimes I feel I talk too much... What say thee? All I have to say is ... I am glad that Im alive and if I talk to much... email and tell me to shut up.
**solemn Timmy nod**.
But please email and say it nicely.... as its not nice to fool mother nature..... or to offend the tender feelings of a relatively benign gregarious loudmouth 381 pound Ex NCAA Division I college PSU wrestler unless you be Fleet of foot and have an unlisted address....
(so AJ is safe... heck he is a gem and a nice guy... but I hadda pick on *sumbuddy*.
Besides if I didnt pretend and growl and act all manly I would have to .... ummmm get a job at WaWa or something.... (*inside joke) and like ..... hit on guys with long hair or something...
FOR THE record... AJ is a dynamic, friendly affiable guy, and the nicest person you could hope to know... who else would pony up shirts with nada down for our walk this month.... the guy is awesome.... okay.. okay... enough getting all *misty*....
**solemn Timmy nod**.
Really. Really Really
Go figure.
They actually granted me a PASSPORT. So now I cant pass for an illegal anymore... darn it.
There goes my career as a paid immigration protester.... Sh--. *&^%$##
Oh well.
Bless the USA : )
Shalom to all... Mazel Tov....
Hugs to all (except the guys where a enthusiastic HI five is in order...
Timothy Ray ...yada yada.
PS. Yawn,... its 223am EDT.. do you know where your shoes are?
Hey Timmy Ray~
Michelle Brennan here. I am officially accepting your "small yay" for those post surgery patients everywhere. Is there a reason it's just a small yay? I feel like I deserve a huge round of applause right about now
I am up later than you with a damned neck ache. Supposedly the surgeon didn't support my neck properly during surgery, (and that was from his assistants mouth yesterday morning, I am not accusing) I went to the chiropractor this morning. She did help it a bit, but after 10 instant ice packs today, it's back to being a knot.
Oh well, not nearly as big as what you have gone through. Bravo on quitting those pain meds, that had to be very hard. Good for you!!
I think your post was officially the longest I have read on here. I had no idea you were a wrestler, or wanted to coach!! Both of my sons wrestle, my older son, who is 15 took 7'th in the state back in MAY! My younger son, now 14 yrs old, holds the
All County/All Shore title for 2006. (I know you aren't from around here, Conor was the best 90 pound, middle school wrestler last year in Monmouth, Ocean and Middlesex Counties.) I love the sport! They both wrestle for BRICK. I am guessing you interviewed at the new Jackson high school? WOW---they are an amazing team, good luck getting in there with them, and good luck with the wrestling family by the name of Young (boys are BJ and Scott) there
Some phenominal wrestlers come out of Jackson.
Well, I really do need to get back to bed, I can't sleep since surgery. It's now 3:18am and I am signing off. I just had to respond when I saw that you love wrestling!
Michelle Brennan

Ye Gods, woman... dontcha know its LATE?? : ))
I checked my email and then read you cant sleep.... all I can say is.. it DOES get better. My condolences. : (
As for wrestling... yeah I wrested in high school, and then one year CC and two years at Portland State University in Oregon.. before I gained.. (* insert ahem here*) ...initially 590 pounds? yikes... I cant believe its that much..
810 - 590 = 220.. my wrestling weight as a heavyweight in college.
SHEEEEEEEEE... *never mind : P
Well at least I am back down to 380 and losing SLOW... : )
Yes, I actually came very || close to being an area HS JV referee last season... you are considered a referee -to-be for the first two years.. before they let you do varsity matches.
but I had classes (monmouth university) at night and could not make the training.. I did attend a rules session in early october at Brick HS.
Yeah its the new Jackson HS.. their assistant coach at the *other , Jackson State Champ School.. their assistant went to the new school as Head coach and I got a tour of the school.... and an interview. Pretty sweet.
I am weighing my options (wrestling humor there.. : P ) I BADLY want to be involved... and I bring a lot of wrestling experience and some good moves on the mat (I am better on the mat... in the down position... I love teaching how to reverse leg riders.... but I am fairly proficient on my feet... too I guess.)
So.. if I dont get the job I am likely to be a Non paid coach * somewhere* in the area. Brick eh?
Well could you have your boys ask if they are looking for help this season with their team... coaching and even as a volunteer?
The wrestling community is pretty similar I am learning.. Oregon (where I grew up) or here... so Im glad to know you are a **mat mother * : ))
Kudos to your boys, they sound like total studs (look at me Im even starting to talk the lingo... egads am I truly as old as my birth certificate says? Shheessh).
I am going to referee.. and I would like to find plug in and assist at the HS level locally... preferably paid but if unpaid that would be okay too... to start to get to know people and get INVOLVED.
BTW whats with the rules with Near falls... it seems sorta confusing... used to be just a 2 point Near fall... or a 3 point after five seconds... guess its time to get out the rule book hehehehehe.
OH.. where do your boys buy..purchase... obtain..wrestling shoes? I need some : P
I suppose I could go online...
Hang in there.. I promise to post more.. you have almost single handedly kept the board alive and enjoyable... you have been truly prolific and I honestly thank you.. I appreciate so much that you are so reliable in posting.
Let me know if myself or my better half can be of any help.. with questions... or if you need anything?
Congratulations on the surgery.,... pretty soon you will really see changes.. I m excited for you.
No hurry or pressure about the wrestling information., I just am interested if your boys know any schools in the area needing coaches or unpaid assistants. I have been fingerprinted and am an Active Substitute teacher with a certificate from the State of NJ (which is what most schools now seem to want to have even unpaid assistants.. since 9-11 for safety and child safety... background checks..etc)
Anyhow.. I digress...
I will pray you can get some sleep..
take care and look forward to talking with you via email or the Lakewood meeting soon : )
God Bless
Timmy Ray
Hey Timmy~
Well now it's daytime and I want to sleep, go figure! I will just respond about the wrestling right now, since I LOVE wrestling!! I'd rather talk wrestling than sleep.
I order all of my boys "stuff" from www. They have everything under the sun, and then some! Once in the while they will even send a free shipping of 25% off the order coupons, I will watch for one for you
My boys go to "Shore Thing" wrestling school in Lakewood Industrial Park. I don't know if they need any new instructors right now, they have a pretty large team, and they are all wrestling coaches from the shore area. Maybe you could meet us there one night and check it out, lots of people to talk to there that might know a perfect fit for you and your talents.
We have mats in our basement, so the kids friends that wrestle are always here and mopping and moving all over the place down there. I can't wait to be small enough to buy one of those "mat mom" t-shirts soon! I love my boys and they love their wrestling! I will bring a few pictures of them to Lakewood with me, just tell me when you've had enough of me showing my boys off! lol..... I will be gentle with you.
Off to rest.................wish me eye lids are getting heavy...
Michelle Brennan

Welcome back to the Board Tim -- Those of us who know you, love you, and those of you who don't know you, wish they did! Thank you for your humor, candor and exhuastingly long posts - we missed them....
It was good to see you last week in TOms River and afterwards, (even though you made us wait!). Look forward to seeing you in Lakewood at the meeting at Kimball on the 21st. Do we have a room assignment there yet?
Well, Well, Well...
Look who's back - nice to see ya 'round, brother.
And, talk about a long post. Damn, making up for lost time, I see.
So... I truly appreciate the kind words flung in my general direction. But, I'm really not that nice of a guy. I just put on a good show to impress the chicks! Unfortunately, I seem to wind up impressing other dudes.
By the way, as I stated in another thread on this board... The Wawa story is now officially retired. We shall never speak of it again.
Sheesh... I really need to re-establish my manliness around these parts.
Good to have you back.
Be Well,

MY shoes?????? oh dam............are they under the bed again?????? i just hope they are under the RIGHT bed!!!!!!!
nice to see you back -- love your writings --
medication is a sneaky thing -- be careful -- hopefully in 2 weeks i'll be OFF all meds!!! only 1 more week of treatments and an appt on 9/11 with the dr to see if can get off all side effect meds -- some have to be weaned off
but i'm glad your typing again
i really miss you and your wife when you's aren't here

OMGosh!! You know, if the coaching thing doesn't pan out, you'd make a marvelous writer!! I was cracking up on some of the stuff you colorful you are!!!
Glad to hear you are off the pain meds. Sorry to hear about the knees and joints...your not alone. Sandi sounds wonderful..I am so glad you found her.
Have a great time on your cruise!!!
Take care,