Checking In
Hi everyone,
Hope that you are all well. Had my first appt with my Dr on Monday. Actually, didn't see him, saw his nurse practitioner. Got the whole packet of usual tests I have to have done. The "bomb" however was dropped and they told me my BMI was too high and they wanted me to lose 20-25 pounds before having surgery. GREAT! If I could lose weight I wouldn't need surgery, right? I was quite disappointed. Anyone else have this happen to them? The next day the office called and said that the Dr wanted to meet with me so I have an appt with him. They also won't accept psych and nutrition evaluation I already had so have to have them done again. Oh well.
Anyway hope to see some of you next week at TR support group.
Take care,
Don't be put off by having to lose that weight. Just think of it as making your surgery and recovery safer and faster. I am doing slim fast, it's not too bad. I actually think of it as preparing for after surgery, when I will be drinking a lot less and less tasteful stuff anyway. I use the strawberry low carb slim fast and make it in the blender with frozen "no sugar added" strawberries. It's like a milk shake!
When you lose 20-25 pounds BEFORE surgery it makes the surgery easier for the doctor, less chance of things going wrong, and quicker recovery for you! This is the rest of your life, don't let this little bit of weight stop you from getting your new life.
Don't give up now. Keep fighting the good fight and do what it takes now to live a better life tomorrow
I won't be at the group Thursday, that is the day of my surgery, but I will see you at Lakewood in a few weeks if you are there.
God Bless and peace!
Michelle Brennan
Brick NJ