Comparing stories
I'm approved and have a date Oct 2. The surgeons office says I'm all ready all I need is my last blood work 1 month pre-op. Yet I'm wondering why I never needed a sleep apnea study or a GI series test. I'm going to call the surgeon tomorrow. Everyone has their own stories and looks like alot of people need these two tests as well as others before insurance will approve the surgery. I don't want to go thru surgery and have something happen. Then the surgeon would say well you didn't tell us you have problems sleeping so we didn't do the test. Thanks everyone and keep up on those profiles.... I'm getting so much support from them.
I had Gastric Bypass surgery on 7/14/06. I didn't have to have either one of those tests. However, 2 weeks ago, I developed a stricture. I couldn't keep anything down and kept throwing up. I was admitted back into the hospital and they did an endoscopy and found the stricture. They had to stretch it twice. Like you said, everyone has their own experiences, but I found that this website offers a lot of information. My stricture had nothing to do with not having a test performed. It was the way I healed and I had a lot of scar tissue build up. Good luck with your surgery.
The surgeon should never say that you didn't tell him about sleep apnea. Ever. The reason for the sleep apnea (and I don't mean to scare you) testing is to make sure you can come to from being put out for surgery. I have sleep apnea -that is why I am not banded yet --but will be on 9/27. I stop breathing 15 times an hour, and 159 times I come to dangerously low breathing levels. It is hard enough to wake up from anesthesia, but then to stop breathing....not a good combo. As a matter of fact, I read here on about a woman that died because of her sleep apnea (check the memorials)...she never came out after her bypass. Normally your brains tell your body when you are not breathing and it automatically kicks on, but when you are in a drug induced lull.......not so good. So, if you have sleep apnea, they need to know your number (mine is 7) so if you stop breathing before you come to, they slap the scuba mask (lol) on you and then you are good. Sleep apnea is a good thing to be checked out because if you have it, it puts a strain on your heart. Side effects are swelling of the legs among other things. I didn't have it a year ago. I had a heart ultrasound last year, and then one again for this heart has changed slightly and the doc thinks its from the constant blood pressure changes from the last year (also sleep apnea symptom!!!) Check into it, it certainly can't hurt!!! Oh yeah, the GI series ---I had that too...that is to make sure your stomach know, no problems...can't have stomach problems and have WLS.
Good Luck to you!!!!!
Hi, Evelyn
And thanks for your nice note!
I did not have to have a sleep apnea study, but I did have to do an EGD - upper endoscopy. I think every surgeon has a different set of rules that they follow based on what works with their patients. For example, I know some people have had to do a liqiud diet for 2 weeks pre-op. I only had to do 24 hours, but I had to do a fleets enema kit (EWWWW).
I think you have to trust your surgeon to know what's best for you. If you aren't comfortable, consider a different practice.
Thanks again for your note!

Every doctor seems to require different tests before submitting to insurance. One doctor I consulted only needed blood work, nutritionist and therapist, chest xray, EKG and cardiac clearance. Another I just saw wanted the upper GI, ultrasound of the gallbladder, clearance from a gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, nutritionist consult, psychotherapist and a few others. I think the more they ask for the better. I have sleep apnea too but I have no idea what my # is...I guess I should ask the doctor. I had lap surgery in Feb for a hysterectomy and the doc knew I had sleep apnea. I had no problems in the OR or Recovery. I did question my doctor before the hysterectomy asking why he didn't require certain tests that other doctors wanted and he said they weren't necessary. Since he was a specialist, I didn't question him and I guess he was right.
not every insurance company nor surgeon require the same things to approve or do your surgery. A sleep apnea study is usually done when you have complained about your sleep habits or morbidly obese. I just had lap rxny on the 21st. I did not have the things you are inquiring about. i also see we are neighbors, i live a town over. I will share my experience if you would like.
the tests you need to have are decided upon by the doctor you use. some require more than others.
mine required a psych consult, and a pulmonary consult, the pulmonary doctor did a breathing function test, and he did not see a reason to do a sleep study.
at the hospital i had all the blood work of course, as well as an EKG and an ultrasound of my heart ( i cant remember what it is called at the moment.)
anyway that was it. so trust your doctor
hugs, jacki