Denied Authorization... Start Appeal
Well, I got my letter yesterday that BC/BS denied my surgery. I was approved fro banding in 2004 and had to have it removed in 2005. I am at the same weight and co-morbitiy status that I was in 2004. I don't understand why I was denied this time. Wrote my appeal letter and faxed it today. Does anyone have any personal experience with the appeal process? Is it usually sucessful in the long run? Thanks for any info, Melissa
REALIZE Band on 02/06/12
I am sorry to hear this. I was informed by my doctor's office that my information was sent to the insurance company. I guess this is a waiting game now. I am curious to know why they denied you also
Perhaps because you had it before and it was removed? Did you have them also for youlast procedure? Good luck and glad to now your not giving up!!

My letter was just very honest & I explained that I can't breathe when I exert myself, knee & back pain and especially that my work (i'm a police officer) was being compromised because of the health problems related to my weight. I am so happy that they reconsidered. Good luck with your appeal, Melissa