Random Musings #9
Yeah, I know, I didn't do my usual musings post last Monday. I had the beginning of last week off from work and we all know that I only like to muse on the company dime! I did lurk and post a bit here and there, but, this week I should be back to my old verbose self. So... on with the show:
? I drove to Queens on Tuesday afternoon to go to the Mets game by myself. (Is that weird?) My seat happened to be right next to the designated handicapped section. And, all this area really consisted of was a gated, elevated concrete platform with a little chair lift, a ramp and a bunch of folding chairs for companions to use. I'm not sure why, but I found it to be unacceptable as well as slightly degrading. One of they guys in the section was a very large man seated in an extra, extra wide wheelchair. When the game was over, he quickly got up and easily pushed his own chair down the ramp and toward the exit. I soon realized that the only reason he sat in the handicapped section was because he couldn't fit in the regular stadium seats. The game was great and everyone went away happy - but, he just looked dejected and embarrassed as he tried to make a discrete getaway. I swear, I wanted to scream. I thought about him the entire two-hour car ride home. I hope somewhere, down deep, he actually was able to enjoy himself a bit during the game... but, I certainly could understand if he didn't.
? On Saturday, I went to a big, backyard BBQ / party with over a hundred guests. I hadn't seen any of the attendees in at least a year... and some of them in as much as six or seven years. And, boy howdy, did my appearance cause a stir. Talk about the third degree. Now, everyone that knows me, knows that I'm very open and honest about having surgery. But, I just couldn't bring myself explain the whole thing over and over again to the dozens of people who wanted to talk to me about the drastic weight loss. (Maybe I should have interrupted the party and made a little one-time speech.)
Over the past 6 months, I've really tried to become an advocate for WLS and to help educate anyone who may be uninformed or have the wrong ideas about the surgery. This weekend, I failed miserably. I really just wanted to enjoy myself at the party and spend just one evening not talking about it. Once again, It's all just about having this experience lead to a new lifestyle without becoming all-encompassing.
? After the party, I finally got to bed at 1:30 am. Yesterday, I woke up around eight o'clock and had absolutely NO DESIRE to do my regularly scheduled Sunday morning 5K training run. But, the day was still young and the weather was wonderful, so I figured... what the hell. I strapped on my new Nike running shoes and hit the pavement. The first mile was very rough on my hips and knees - but, I kept running. Soon, I hit the mile and a half mark (this is the point where I usually have to stop running and walk for at least another mile.) - but, I kept running. By the time I hit the two and a half mile mark and realized that there was only three-fifths of a mile left, there was NO WAY I was going to stop. Uh-uh, no way, no how. And, I'm not gonna lie here, I actually got a little choked-up as I finished the entire 3.1 mile run with out ever stopping, walking or breaking stride. And to think, I almost gave in and passed on running for the day. There's a lesson here somewhere... I'm just not exactly sure what it is.
Hmmm... this musing had a strange little vibe to it, I think.
Ah well, no sense in over-thinking it. I just like to type and then post whatever spills out.
Have yourself a lovely rest of the day.
Be Well,
Maybe a little... why?
Now, you GOTTA tell me.
Oh, BTW - I slept right through my alarm the morning after our TR meeting - consequently, I missed the gym on Saturday Morning.
Also, I must have dropped the paper with your number in the parking lot of Pier One (A likely story) - consequently, I never got to call and get you to the gym. (I'm sure your butt hurt from your little dancing "incident") You were probably hung over anyhow
Be Well,

I will tell you if you're good!
By the way, on Saturday, I slept thru myself, and of course, AJ didn't wake me up as promised! I never get hung over, and the butt still has too much padding to be sore from any little dancing incident! -- Didn't you say I was very graceful? LOL Also, by the way, I have your Malibu t-shirt for you -- the girl said to make sure to give it to you!!!!
In any case, AJ - if you are going to Lakewood tomorrow night, would you mind picking me up and taking me with you. I will be home (right off Vaughn), but unable to drive since I will have had anesthesia that morning. Let me know. Thanks. I'll e-mail you my phone digits in a separate message. Thanks buddy.