Six month supervised diet
I just had a consult with Dr. Bertha today. I was told by the person who handles insurance to come back when I have six months of a supervised diet documented. I have 3 months documentation and medical records showing a BMI greater than 40 for 6 years. I thought that was enough? Did anyone have this experience? Was anyone turned down even with the six month diet?
hi tara
i have aetna and had to do a 6 month supervised diet -- it really goes by fast -- ya have to dance the insurance dance and make sure that your paperwork is correct for them -- but, you will be done in no time -- i was approved in 2 weeks which SHOCKED me!! the 3 months you already have, is your weight on there and the reason for your Dr appt was for obesity?? and every insurance company is different in what they ask for -- but you will be fine

I also had Aetna as well as BCBS and both carriers required a 6 month medically supervised diet before they will even consider approving the procedure. The six months will go by quickly and in the meantime you should focus on any other requirements to make sure you have a smooth approval such as psychiatric evaluation, making sure that you have all the documentation that is required, etc. Before you know it, six months will pass and you will be on your way to the other side of WLS.
Good Luck,
Hi Tara,
Good luck. I have Horizon BCBS. They required a 6 month diet.
I did, and lost over 35 lbs. My BMI is still 41.8 after the weight loss. Then they denied me again (I did so well on the diet). Now they want me to take drugs to help continue the weight loss. I am taking Marieda.
The time does go by fast but if you want to have the surgery then I woud loose about 5 - 10 lbs in total for the 6 months.
The best on your path.