update to mystill lost file
Hi all, This journey sure is very frustrating. My file is still missing. I have not received any call backs but I have been calling my surgeons office. I had to ask them what I could do to move this forward. I also asked if this was a polite way to discourage me as a patient. I thought I heard a little choking sound at that. I have not been mean or nasty and I am able to laugh about this. I do understand that insurance(cigna) is difficult. I meet all criteria for wls surgery with my high bmi and all my comorbidities. So they are sending me some forms to fill out -again and I have to call and have letters re-faxed- again. I have gotten the our fax machine was down. Hmmmm how about buying a new fax machine? This should have been so easy as it is just a resubmittal after I did a doc supervised 6 month diet. I have been seeing this doc for 10 years or more but I needed 6 continuous months of weighins. So I jumped thru that hoop only to find my surgeons office dropping the ball. I have copies of almost all that I need and what I don't can get.
So all other pre-ops reading this - get copies of your file and keep it handy. Take notes when you talk to your docs and especially the insurance company. Act and talk with courtesy and expect some bumps in your journey.

Hey Frannie -- how about checking out another surgeon in the meantime too! Send all your stuff to them too - you may end up with a quicker surgery date. Not sure exactly where you are, but if you let me know, I would be happy to make a few reccommendations whom you can check out!
In any case, good luck and stay positive!
Nannette, Thanks for your response. I'm looking into seeing another surgeon if needed. Dr. Abkin seems very nice and has experience with my insurance. My DH has a friend who had wls with him and recommends him highly plus the same insur as me. Only draw back is that I am in south jersey. I read your profile- you are an inspiration! I am so sorry about the loss of your own DH. If you have any other surgeons to recommend, please do. You are right about surgery date. I was looking at august and then told september because cardiac and pulmonary were booked up. Have the rest of my pre-op done.. Who knows now with my file lost. I was told that it was no problem but shall see. I feel like I am getting the run around. My original consult was in september 05. So I am waiting to see what is next.
Not from personal experience, but from reccomendations from people in my support group in Toms River, you might want to try calling the following surgeons and get their input on timing, etc.:
--Dr. Alexander Onopchenko, Center for Surgical Weight Loss & Wellness
AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Atlantic City, NJ
--Dr. Amit Trivedi or Dr Douglas Ewing, Advanced Laparoscopic Associates, Hackensack NJ
--Dr Vishal Mehta, Mehta Bariatric Center, New Brunswick, NJ
Good luck.
P.S. Thanks for the kudos on my journey -- it's been a helluva ride!!!
Roberta, How about waving that magic wand at Cindy so she can find my file. I hope all has gone easier with you. I have heard excuses but still does not get me resubmitted. Stephanie said files usually do not get lost, guess there is always a first. I will definately be at august support meeting. I will be the not happy camper. I keep telling myself to think positive that it will be ok. So far it is not working. By monday I will be in a better mood to make some calls. Cross your fingers and hope for the best for me.