Denied :-( Any one from DR. Fares?????
Well I just called my insurance company and they said that I was denied.
Reason was: Not medically nesscasary. Must customize. The lady couldnt give me a good explination but she said that the Doctors office could give me a good explination. Now I was also told that as soon as I get either an approval or denial the insurance co. calls the doc office right away and that the doc office should call me right way. Well I am still waiting for that phone call.
Now I am wondering if the doc office will just submit an appeal w/out me knowing.
Has anyone delt w/Kim in office? And would you know how she handles this situation?

You could call the office but they may not have gotten the denial notice yet. Once they do they will usually appeal right away. I am not sure if they will let you know unless they need to send more information which they may need from you. I know it stinks waiting but I ended up waiting 4 1/2 months from the first visit to the time I had surgery. Trust me they will do everything possible to get the approval for you. Good luck! You picked a great surgeon!
Jenn Y.
Banded 11/3/05