Green Tea
Hey Angela,
I don't drink green tea... but, I do drink oolong tea. (sometimes called wu-long tea)
It's got a ton of anti-oxidants & health benefits including enhancing the function of fat metabolism.
Here's a great informational website:
I use loose-leaf tea and infuse it in a cast iron testubin (japanese teapot). But, I have found that quality oolong can be hard to find. I buy teas packaged by Rishi at Whole Foods. Sometimes, I order different blends over the internet at :www.ri****
Be Well,
their was an article that green tea has no benefit for fat metabolism, but it is proven that green coffee does, most definitely does. but no aroma and a slitly bitter tatse. no particular coffee is required.
I stared the new drug byetta for diabettes 2 , is the first new drug for overall metabolism and lost 35lbs in 90 days, no longer quilify for wls.
I love green tea!! Lipton is pretty good. I am still in the process of trying all green teas, and white teas...oolong is good too.
Here is a link to my fav tea house...its in Philly I live in South Jersey, but so worth the trip. Right now I am drinking "Blue Eyes" ..."Berry ****tail" is good too, and "Witches Brew" is an orange flavor...all are good iced. The girl who runs the shop knows everything there is to know about tea!!!! Great place, I'll be bummed if she ever closes down!!
Take care!
Hi just curious ...what is an extract? (not trying to argue-just curious)
And you can't drink 80 oz of tea in a'd end up in the tea is not caffeine free. The benefits of green tea over time outweigh the benefits you'd get from regular tea/over coffee. are trying to cut down on caffeine...that would be the immediate benefit from the first cup.
Spice Teas and Fruit Teas are naturally decaffeinated. Plus they are sweeter so they are not as bitter. And, they make great Iced Teas.
Greet Tea Extract. (Capsual or liquid form) You can buy it in most health food stores.
As far as how much to drink per day..
Most of the stuff available on Green tea calls for you to drink between 5 and 10 cups per day (sources vary on how much exactly is the right 'dosage') That equals 40 to 80 oz per day.
The most common 'dosage' listed however is about 5 per day, or 40 oz.
That's one quart of green tea per day..on top of the water you already have to drink.
As for the caffine concern, it really isn't a big one. The ammount of caffine in 40 oz of green tea is less then a single 8oz cup of coffee. (2.50 mg per oz for green tea as opposed to 16.0 mg per oz for coffee) Though brewing time, tea strain and a bunch of other factors will affect this.
All this for something that has no real studies proving either way if it works or does not
I say, if you really like green tea, go for it. It really cannot hurt.. Otherwise, don't go out of your way to drink it. Get an extract and take it..if you feel better..keep taking it. If not.. then it falls in the catagory of expensive vitamins.

missed you at group last night! I have been put of the loop for a few meetings myself. as for the grreen tea Lipton has a diet one in the bottle with citrus added it is so good cold. i am not crazy about it hot myself. you might want to try the lipton diet is is like 5.99 for 12 bottles at walmart or shioprite, also pathmart, they also have a great diet peach flavored tea. hope you like them. did you hear jessess lewis wife and mother died this week! I feel so bad. anyway hope to see you at next group!