Random Musings #8: Six Months Edition
WOW dude!! look at that hair!!!!!!! i just love it!!!!!
my kids didn't know what McDonalds was until an uncle took them there when my youngest was 6 and the oldest was 8 -- they always drank milk -- never bought kool-aid -- so i can relate to all that
i didn't want my kids to be FAT like me -- my son (18) is a TALL 160 -- and my daughter -- well i'm not actually what she weighs -- but i'd say 275 and she's 5'11" -- she was a thin child but then teen years happened and they are still happening at 21 yrs old -- she loves fast food and all that goes with it
oh ya --
Look at that AMAZING difference in body size with the weight loss!!!!!!!! DAM AJ!! you are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!
you little girl is lucky to have a daddy like you and to also be a Virgo

Wow AJ, You make it look easy. I hope I am as successful as you are. You daughter looks great and is going to stay that way with her eating habits. My 2 year old found out what french fries are all about alittle while back. She does it the ice cream and cookies. But she also loves her carrots and pears. So she is inbetween things. My wife is on a great diet and after my surgery all the good stuff I will be eating, I hope she picks that up. Hey my daughters are one on the reasons why I am doing this. So keep up the good work.
Wow! I post more on the lap band board than the NJ board, but I do keep up with your musings. Your comparison pictures are worth a million words. Wow again.
Your daughter is just adorable. I have two daughters, 3 and 6, and I'm trying to make healthy eating and exercise a normal part of their lives. It's not easy being a parent but it's so rewarding!
Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work.